My Photographic Hikes: (12) The Pentland Hills (Scotland)


Glencorse Reservoir and Loganlea Reservoir — in the middle of the Pentland Hills.

A fairly straightforward walk in that I simply followed the Pentland Hills, after getting to them from the Oxgangs district of Edinburgh.

Firstly, I climbed a couple of hills, went down to Glencorse Reservoir, then on to Loganlea Reservoir. I climbed West Kip and Scald Law, went into a fairly wild bit of the Hills, walked by the side of another reservoir (North Esk), and then went down to the village of Carlops. From there I walked some of the way toward the town of Penicuik. I then got the Biggar-to-Edinburgh bus.

Hike: 4th of September, 2023.

A rough account of the route.
An outlying suburb of Edinburgh… and Arthur’s Seat.

Arthur’s Seat is the hill. I think the suburb is Alnwick Hill — but I may be wrong. The main part of the city is to the left of Arthur’s Seat, and over the smaller hill with trees and houses. This was taken on the Pentland Hills.

