The Detox Diet

How to Lose Weight Fast

Paul Cantor
Paul Cantor Diet


Yesterday I wrote about how I’d gotten fat again, and how I was going to spend the next 90 days dieting in an attempt to shed the 20 pounds I’ve put on.

People are so obsessed with counting things— age, weight, money, whatever— but I’m not. If numbers were all that mattered, you and I would get gastric bypass surgery and be done with it. But those are easy fixes. They won’t change anything.

My weight on my start date was 209.4. Four days later, it’s 201.8. Obviously I care about the numbers moving downward, but the scale can wait. I’m just trying to get my eating under control. How you eat is habit-forming. If you eat well, you continue to do so. The same goes for eating poorly. A person rarely goes to McDonald’s just one time.

Now I don’t eat fast food, but I indulge in other ways. Cereal is probably my biggest weakness. It’s so easy to snack on. It’s not uncommon for me to eat an entire box of cereal in one sitting, and for this to happen 3-4 times a week.

I even overeat on “healthy” food. Sweet potatoes are good for you, but I’ll eat 3 of them in a day. Almonds are good for you, but I’ll eat an entire bag— something like 12 servings— at once. Grapes are good for you, but I’ll eat 3 pounds of them.

And like everyone else in America, I get sucked into the vortex of l0w-fat/low-calorie snacks, mentally tricking myself into thinking I’m eating something that isn’t so bad for me, but in reality is pure shit. Things like vegetable or brown rice chips.

The reality is that NOTHING healthy comes in chip form. Anything that has been turned into a chip— brown rice, vegetables, hummus, sweet potatoes, chickpeas, black beans, whatever— is bad for you. Anything.

But Paul, how are you going to lose weight in 90 days? What are you going to eat?

Well, I’m gonna give you the fool proof diet that I use to get my weight loss going. This thing is literally GUARANTEED to have you dropping weight within a few weeks.

I have no scientific basis on which to ground that guarantee, but I’ve given this detox diet to numerous people over the years and it has been proven to work with every single person who has done it. Men and women.

And if you read yesterday’s entry, you’ll notice I went from 209 pounds to 203 in a matter of 2 days. Yeah, it works that well.

The most important thing about the detox though is that it will tame your eating habits. It doesn’t allow for any junk whatsoever— there are no “cheat” days— so after a week or so you just stop craving food that is bad for you altogether.

So here it is:

DETOX- 9 days- excerpted from the book Fat Smash Diet by Dr. Ian Smith

eat 4-5 meals per day

8am- meal 1

11am- heavy snack (technically counted as meal 2)

2pm- meal 3

5pm- light snack (meal 4)

7pm- meal 5

9pm- light snack (meal 5)

food prep: foods can only be eaten raw, grilled, or steamed

food/drinks allowed:

  • all fruits in any quanity
  • al vegetables in any quantity except: no white potatoes, no avocadoes
  • good sources of protein: chickpeas, beans, tofu, lentils
  • brown rice- 2 cups of cooked rice per day
  • 2 cups of low fat or skim or soy milk per day
  • as much water as you like!
  • oatmeal- 1 cup per day
  • all herbs and spices
  • 6 oz. low-fat yogurt (2 times per day)
  • 4 egg whites per day
  • 2 cups of herbal tea per day

food/drinks NOT allowed

  • white rice
  • meat
  • fish
  • cheese
  • bread- all types
  • raisins
  • nuts
  • dried or preserved fruits
  • candy/popcorn/chips
  • ice cream
  • alcohol
  • juice
  • soda- regular or diet
  • coffee and all coffee drinks
  • sports drinks
  • milkshakes
  • whole eggs or yolks
  • fried food
  • fast food

Physical activity- at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity 5 days per week.


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Paul Cantor
Paul Cantor Diet

Wrote for the New York Times, New York Magazine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Vice, Fader, Vibe, XXL, MTV News, many other places.