Morning VLOG: Goal Setting AB or C Type Goals — Always Go With C Type Goals

Paul Nicholson
Paul Nicholson‘s Blog
1 min readNov 18, 2017

In this morning VLOG I explain the different types of goals. Why you should be setting huge C-Type goals and thn althought you don’t know how to achieve them go for it.

It’s easy to look back and let your past victories be your future goals but there’s no fun in that is there? Pick a dream goal, stick to it and go for it. Let it scare you, it should but the pays offs will be amazing.

You can do it!!

Originally published at on November 18, 2017.



Paul Nicholson
Paul Nicholson‘s Blog

I am your greatest fan and your biggest cheerleader. You can do anything of that I am certain. Be careful what you tell me, I wont let you forget your dreams.