AWS Security deep dive

Paul Zhao
Paul Zhao Projects
Published in
20 min readJun 15, 2020

A comprehensive security guidelines for AWS resources with best practices. All resources and services are presented with step-by-step tutorials

Creating a non-root user

Based on AWS best practice, root user is not recommended to perform everyday tasks, even the administrative ones. The root user, rather is used to to create your first IAM user, groups and roles. Then you need to securely lock away the root user credentials and use them to perform only a few account and service management tasks.

Login as a Root user
Create a user under IAM service
Choose programmatic access
Attach required policies
Create user without tags
Keep credentials (Access key ID and Secret access key)

Adhering to best practice of AWS, we may consider the following alternatives

Generate and Review the AWS Account Credential Report

It’s highly recommended by AWS to have a thorough review of your AWS accounts on a regular basis in order to maintain highest security protocols. To do so, you should audit your security configuration in the following situations:

  • On a periodic basis. You should perform the steps described here at regular intervals as a best practice for security.
  • If there are changes in your organization, such as staffs leaving.
  • If you have stopped using one or more individual AWS services. This is important for removing permissions that users in your account no longer need.
  • If you’ve added or removed software in your accounts, such as applications on Amazon EC2 instances, AWS OpsWorks stacks, AWS CloudFormation templates, etc.
  • If you ever suspect that an unauthorized person might have accessed your account.

As you review your account’s security configuration, follow these guidelines:

  • Be thorough. Look at all aspects of your security configuration, including those you might not consider on a regular basis
  • Don’t assume. Don’t overlook areas which could potentially lead to a security breach. If you are unfamiliar with some aspect of your security configuration (for example, the reasoning behind a particular policy or the existence of a role), investigate the business need until you are satisfied.
  • Keep things simple. To make auditing (and management) easier, use IAM groups (that could segment IAM users into different groups based on organizations infrastructure, say departments, functional and business units, or any other structures) , consistent naming schemes (tagging is highly recommended to regulate your AWS account in a orderly manner), and straightforward policies.

You can use the AWS Management Console to download a credential report as a comma-separated values (CSV) file. To download a credential report using the AWS Management Console:

Notes: It could take up to 4 hours before changes is being reflected in the console

Under your account drop down menu, please select my security credentials

Access to my security credentials

Under IAM dashboard, you may choose credential report

Download report for credentials

After clicking download report, a.csv report file is generated and you may download it as shown below

CSV file generated

Enable a Virtual MFA Device for Your AWS Account Root User

You can use IAM in the AWS Management Console to configure and enable a virtual MFA device for your root user. To manage MFA devices for the AWS account, you must be signed in to AWS using your root user credentials. You cannot manage MFA devices for the root user using other credentials.

If your MFA device is lost, stolen, or not working, you can still sign in using alternative factors of authentication. To do this, you must verify your identity using the email and phone that are registered with your account. This means that if you can’t sign in with your MFA device, you can sign in by verifying your identity using the email and phone that are registered with your account. Before you enable MFA for your root user, review your account settings and contact information to make sure that you have access to the email and phone number. To learn about signing in using alternative factors of authentication, see What If an MFA Device Is Lost or Stops Working?. To disable this feature, contact AWS Support.

Locate my security credentials under the drop-down of your account

Find my security credentials

Expand your MFA section

Expand MFA section

Choose to set up Virtual MFA device and continue

Activate MFA

Configure your MFA device

Configuration Page

Now, download Google Authenticator as shown below on your smart phone, you have other alternatives, find it out here.

Search Google authenticator
Let’s begin
Scan barcode
Collect your codes

After typing two MFA codes consecutively under AWS console, you will sign up MFA successfully as shown below.

Successfully sign up MFA
Remove or Resync

Notes: Under manage option, you are allowed to either remove or resync your MFA

Configure Account Security Challenge Questions

Configure account security challenge questions because they are used to verify that you own an AWS account.

Under your account drop-down, click my account

My account

Under my account, scroll down and find configure security challenge questions

Configure Security Challenge Questions

Edit and update security questions

Edit and update questions

Configure Account Alternate Contacts

Alternate contacts enable AWS to contact another person about issues with the account, even if you are unavailable.

Under your account drop-down, click my account

My account

Scroll down and find out account contact information

Account Contact Information

Kick the box to enable the contact information section

Update account contact information

Update contact information

Updated information

Remove Your AWS Account Root User Access Keys

You use an access key (an access key ID and secret access key) to make programmatic requests to AWS. However, do not use your AWS account root user access key. The access key for your AWS account gives full access to all your resources for all AWS services, including your billing information. You cannot restrict the permissions associated with your AWS account access key.

  • Check in the credential report; if you don’t already have an access key for your AWS account, don’t create one unless you absolutely need to. Instead, use your account email address and password to sign in to the AWS Management Console and create an IAM user for yourself that has administrative privileges. This will be explained in a later section.
No access key for root
  • If you do have an access key for your AWS account, delete it unless you have a specific requirement. To delete or rotate your AWS account access keys, go to the Security Credentials page in the AWS Management Console and sign in with your account’s email address and password. You can manage your access keys in the Access keys section.
Access keys under this root account (if any)

Periodically Change the AWS Account Root User Password

You must be signed in as the AWS account root user in order to change the password. To learn how to reset a forgotten root user password, see Resetting Your Lost or Forgotten Passwords or Access Keys.

Notes: If you previously signed in to the console with IAM user credentials, your browser might remember this preference and open your account-specific sign-in page. You cannot use the IAM user sign-in page to sign in with your AWS account root user credentials. If you see the IAM user sign-in page, click Sign-in using root account credentials near the bottom of the page to return to the main sign-in page. From there, you can type your AWS account email address and password.

Locate my security credentials under the drop-down of your account

Locate password section

Notes: Here you are required to sign in with your credential and MFA, then you will be directed to the page below

You may edit your password as shown below

Edit your password

Type in your current password and generate new password and confirm it

New password generated

Successfully generated new password

Password created successfully

Notes: Choose a strong password. Although you can set an account password policy for IAM users, that policy does not apply to your AWS account root user.

AWS requires that your password meet these conditions:

  • have a minimum of 8 characters and a maximum of 128 characters
  • include a minimum of three of the following mix of character types: uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and ! @ # $ % ^ & * () <> [] {} | _ + - = symbols
  • not be identical to your AWS account name or email address

Notes: AWS is rolling out improvements to the sign-in process. One of those improvements is to enforce a more secure password policy for your account. If your account has been upgraded, you are required to meet the password policy above. If your account has not yet been upgraded, then AWS does not enforce this policy, but highly recommends that you follow its guidelines for a more secure password.

To protect your password, it’s important to follow these best practices, here is the rule of thumbs:

  • Change your password periodically and keep your password private, since anyone who knows your password can access your account.
  • Use a different password on AWS than you use on other sites.
  • Avoid passwords that are easy to guess. These include passwords such as secret, password, amazon, or 123456. They also include things like a dictionary word, your name, email address, or other personal information that can easily be obtained.

Configure a Strong Password Policy for Your Users

You can set a password policy on your AWS account to specify complexity requirements and mandatory rotation periods for your IAM users’ passwords. The IAM password policy does not apply to the AWS root account password.

Under IAM service, find our password policy section

Locate password policy

Click set password policy

Set password policy

Tear down this lab

Please note that the changes you made to the account and root user should remain in place, and have no charges associated with them.

Here are some tips for the potential costs if services are not terminated or stopped.

Notes: Upon completion of this project, please delete resources in S3 bucket, dissociate EIP (Elastic IP addresses) with the VPCs, stop your EC2 instance and detach the volumes mounted to EC2 instance. 10 bucks spent on this project alarmed me to take precaution on what services cost money. So now you may avoid it.

Basic Identity and Access Management User, Group, Role

AWS Identity & Access Management

As a best practice, do not use the AWS account root user for any task where it’s not required. Instead, create a new IAM user for each person that requires administrator access. Then make those users administrators (only if they absolutely need full access to everything) by placing the users into an “Administrators” group to which you attach the AdministratorAccess managed policy.

The following image shows what you will be doing in the next section 1.1 Create Administrator IAM User and Group.

Diagram of account management

Create Administrator IAM User and Group

Under service drop-down, type in iam

Find IAM

Under IAM service, click users

Find users

Click add users and choose AWS Management Console access & user must create a new password at next sign-in (here it forces the user you created to create his/ her credentials upon logging in, which follows the best practice of AWS security guidelines)

AWS management console access and password along with forced new password upon next logging in

Next, create a group and choose AdministratorAccess as policy

Group name given and policy chosen

With group created, click next tags

Group created and click next tags

Leave tags blank in this case, but tag is a very useful function to help manage users for companies

Tags page

Review page to check the user you are about to create

Review page

Successfully created the user and you may download .csv file

Successfully created user and .csv credentials file available

Notes: For security reason, this is the only and last time you may download your credentials created

Create Administrator IAM Role

Now we’ll move on to IAM role. To create an administrator role for yourself (and other administrators) to be used with the administrator user and group you just created:

Under IAM, choose role

Roles chosen

Choose another AWS account and provide an account ID with require MFA (this is a forced MFA option that user of this account must provide upon logging in)

Choose AWS account and ID provided with required MFA selected

Next, select AdministratorAccess as policy

Choose policy

Without tags, move to review page

Move to review page without tags

Type in role name and create role

Role name provided

Role created as shown

Role created

Assume Administrator Role from an IAM user

We will assume the role using the IAM user that we previously created in the web console. As the IAM user has full access it is a best practice not to have access keys to assume the role on the CLI, instead we should use a restricted IAM user for this so we can enforce the requirement of MFA.

Diagram of user management

Use Administrator Role in Web Console

A role specifies a set of permissions that you can use to access AWS resources that you need. In that sense, it is similar to a user in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). A benefit of roles is they allow you to enforce the use of an MFA token to help protect your credentials. When you sign in as a user, you get a specific set of permissions. However, you don’t sign in to a role, but once signed in (as a user) you can switch to a role. This temporarily sets aside your original user permissions and instead gives you the permissions assigned to the role. The role can be in your own account or any other AWS account. By default, your AWS Management Console session lasts for one hour.

Notes: The permissions of your IAM user and any roles that you switch to are not cumulative. Only one set of permissions is active at a time. When you switch to a role, you temporarily give up your user permissions and work with the permissions that are assigned to the role. When you exit the role, your user permissions are automatically restored.

Logging in as an adminuser

Logging in as an adminuser

Locate switch role under drop-down of this account

Click switch role under this account

Provide account name and role and switch role

Account name provided and switch role

Notes: The last several roles that you used appear on the menu. The next time you need to switch to one of those roles, you can simply click the role you want. You only need to type the account and role information manually if the role is not displayed on the Identity menu.

To stop using a role, in the IAM console, click your role’s Display Name on the right side of the navigation bar. Click Back to UserName. The role and its permissions are deactivated, and the permissions associated with your IAM user and groups are automatically restored.

Tear down this lab

Please note that the changes you made to the users, groups, and roles have no charges associated with them.

Also, make sure you stop or terminate services as needed. Otherwise, you might be charged by AWS by shock. Tips are provided previously.

CloudFront with WAF Protection

Launch Instance

Search and find EC2 under service

Find EC2 service

Under EC2 dashboard, click launch instance

Launch instance

Choose instance type — t2.micro and choose configure instance details

Notes: This is only a lab so that we will use the instance under free tier. In a development environment, the instance type depends on the requirements and needs of your business.


Choose create a role, a new window will be popped up as shown below

Role page

Click create a role and under AWS service, please choose EC2 and choose next permissions

EC2 selected

In search bar, please type in S3 and select AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess as the policy.

Notes: This policy is solely based on the requirements of the role. Following the best practice of AWS security, no unnecessary policies should be given to a role. In other words, users or roles should be given minimum authorities to operate.

Policy chosen

No tags provided and proceed with review


Under review page, please provide role name and create role

Role name provided

Confirmation of role created

Role created successfully

Jump back to previous instance creation page and refresh create a role. Next configure instance details shown above and in advance details section, paste below codes in user data

yum update -y
yum install -y httpd
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on
groupadd www
usermod -a -G www ec2-user
chown -R root:www /var/www
chmod 2775 /var/www
find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} +
find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} +
Codes in user data

Under add storage page, keep the default settings, then click add tags

Default storage

Proceed to configure security group without adding tags

Tag page

Configure security group by add source as My IP for ssh and anywhere source as Anywhere for HTTP as shown below

Configure security group

Review instance launch

Review page

Launch new instance with a new key pair

Key pair

Notes: This is the only time when key pair could be shown so that you may need to download and keep it in a safe place for use.

Confirmation of EC2 being launched

Instance launched

Waiting for instance to be up running after pending stage, it may take a few minutes

Instance running

Configure AWS WAF

Now let’s move on to WAF. Using AWS CloudFormation, we are going to deploy a basic example AWS WAF configuration for use with CloudFront.

Type in CloudFormation in search bar under service drop-down

CloudFormation search

Create stack under CloudFormation page

To create a stack

Configure stack by choosing Template is ready and Amazon S3 URl. Paste in URL as shown
Template ready, S3 URL and paste in URL

Under specify stack details page, provide stack name and leave the rest of options as default. Then go to the bottom of the page to proceed

Stack name given and proceed

Under configure stack options, tags are not required and leave the rest of options default. Then go to the bottom of the page and proceed to the next step

Tags not required and proceed

Create stack

Create stack

Here is how stack is building up, it may take more than 5 minutes before the WAF stack is complete.

Waiting for cloudformation to build

Successfully created CloudFormation as shown by CREATE_COMPLETE on the left side of the page

Completion of cloudformation creation

Configure Amazon CloudFront

After creating WAF using CloudFormation, we now start to configure our CloudFront

In search bar under service drop-down, type in ClourFront

Search cloudfront

Under CloudFront dashboard, click create distribution

Create distribution

Under creation page, choose web distribution (RTMP is for flash on the website, which is rarely used)

Web distribution selected

Search and provide Origin Domain Name (where to find is shown in the next step)

Origin domain name provided

Search for DNS under EC2 dashboard (highlighted)

Find public DNS

Under distribution settings, choose Web ACL we previously created using CloudFormation

Web ACL selected

CloudFront distributions in progress

CloudFront is in progress

It may take up to 10 minutes before CloudFront is deployed

CloudFront deployed

After deployment, you may access to CloudFront by pasting DNS under origin into a browser, the web page should be shown as below

Confirmation of cloudfront deployment

Tear down this lab

The following instructions will remove the resources that have a cost for running them. Please note that Security Groups and SSH key will exist. You may remove these also or leave for future use.

Delete the CloudFront distribution:

Choose the distribution we created previously and disable it

Disable distribution

Around 15 minutes later, you may see the disabled state is deployed

Disbale is deployed

Now, you may select the distribution and delete it

Delete the distribution

Below is the confirmation of the distribution deletion

Confirmation of deletion

Delete the AWS WAF stack:

Delete CloudFormation WAF that we created previously

Delete cloudformation WAF

The CloudFormation deletion is in progress

Deletion in progress

Aroud another 15 mintues, you may see CloudFormation is in DELETE_COMPLETE status

CloudFormation is deleted

Automated Deployment of Detective Controls

AWS CloudFormation to configure AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty

Download the latest version of the CloudFormation template here: cloudtrail-config-guardduty.yaml

Under service drop-down, search CloudFormation in search bar

Search cloudformation

Create a CloudFormation

Create a cloudforamtion stack

Create stack with Template is ready and Upload a template file, please upload .yaml file provided

Template ready, upload a template file

File uploaded

File uploaded

File in following items:



Above two S3 bucket names should be unique globally


Please provide an email you use because you need will receive an email for confirmation to enable GuardDuty

Items filled



Need to confirm the capabilities at the bottom of the page prior to creating stack

Capabilities selected

After a few minutes, the CloudFormation creation is complete

CloudFormation complete

Upon CloudFormation completion, you may receive an email for GuardDuty

Email received from AWS

Please click confirm subscription shown above to confirm the GuardDuty intialization

GuardDuty in use

Tear down

The following instructions will remove the resources that have a cost for running them.

First, we’ll need to delete S3 bucket and its contents due to dependencies.

Notes: If CloudFormation is deleted prior to S3 bucket and its content deletion, it will fail and rollback

Delete contents in S3 bucket cloudtrailbucketname

Contents deleted in cloudtrailbucketname

Delete S3 bucket cloudtrailbucketname

Delete S3 bucket cloudtrailbucketname

Delete contents in S3 bucket configbucketname

Contents deleted in configbucketname

Delete S3 bucket configbucketname

Delete S3 bucket configbucketname

Delete CloudFormation in progress

CloudFormation deletion in progress

Upon completion, CloudFormation is emptied

Stack emptied


This project covers almost every aspect of security in AWS:

  1. New AWS Account Setup and Securing Root User

2. Basic Identity and Access Management User, Group, Role

3. CloudFront with WAF Protection

4. Automated Deployment of Detective Controls

First of all, root user should not be in use in operation. So that adminuser with AdministratorAccess is generated and be in use. Apart from that, access keys for root user should not be generated. Access keys for other users can be created, but must be downloaded and kept in a safe place upon generation since credentials are only available for downloading upon creation.

Secondly, IAM is used to manage user, group, role with accessiblity. Users are commonly used to authorize accessibility to new users. Groups allow us to segment users into different sections. Roles are preferred to authenticate accessiblity since they are able to provide temporary accessibility, which is following the best practice of AWS security.

Thirdly, in order that we build up WAF protection, we need to launch an instance first. Instance created should be provided with minimum authenticity due to best security practice. When creating key pair, we need to download and save it upon creation since credentials will not be provided after creation.

Lastly, by implementing cloudtrail-config-guardduty.yaml file, we build up CloudFormation in order to configure AWS CloudTrail, AWS Config, and Amazon GuardDuty. Both CloudTrailBucketName and ConfigBucketName must be given. These two S3 bucket names should be globally unique. GuardDutyEmailAddress is required for us to test.

One more thing to add is that you are charged for using variety of resources in AWS such as S3 bucket content, EC2 instance, the EIP associated with EC2. Apart from that, resources like CloudFormation stack and CloudFront discribution are charged if not deleted.



Paul Zhao
Paul Zhao Projects

Amazon Web Service Certified Solutions Architect Professional & Devops Engineer