SEO Strategies That Are On The Rise in 2017

Paul Brown
4 min readFeb 24, 2017


When it comes to SEO, staying on top of the search engines rankings can be difficult. It requires an intense amount of time, effort, and the ability to be able to think ahead of your competition to beat them out for the top spots on Google. To be able to achieve this you need to be able to come up with a bulletproof strategy that allows you to plan and budget in order to reach the rankings that you desire. Part of being able to stay ahead in the SEO market will require you to understand trends that are starting to move within the market. In this article we will share with you those very trends that we have seen start to rise in the SEO virtual world.

The first trend that we are seeing is the ability to provide quality content with a strong user experience. SEO is no longer a technical field. Rather, it is becoming more of a user-experience first market. In fact, user experience is becoming the number one way that Google uses to decide how you rank on its search engine. And user experience consists of many things. For instance, it means having high quality content, ease of maneuvering around your website, website speed, and most importantly, that your website is optimized for the mobile user.

The reason we say that having a website that’s optimized with a mobile-first index is the most important is because currently about 84% of web searches are done from some form of a mobile device. And Google, realizing this, has now started to change their algorithms to force you to shift to a mobile-first user experience. If you fail to jump on board with this, you may find yourself back in 2015 when the first Mobilegeddon struck.

Also, along with this it’s important to make sure that your website loads quickly. According to research, an average user will only spend about 3 seconds waiting on a site to load before they move on. In addition, your online content must be of high quality in order to give your user exactly what it is they’re looking for. This means that keyword stuffing is now a thing of the past. Yes, keywords are still important, but it’s more important to provide your users with content they find relevant. They won’t be interested in content that is nothing more than a fluff piece to help attempt to build SEO ranking status. Therefore, find out what exactly the user wants and give it to them. Then, and only then, use only relevant keywords in moderation to help with your rankings. You also need to make sure that your content is easy to navigate, use, and of course understand.

Another trend we will see rising in 2017 is local SEO. Local SEO is becoming a giant when it comes to ranking on Google, especially for small businesses. This is because voice search, as well as local search listings, is quickly becoming the most popular forms of search methods on Google. Users want the ability to find what’s near them quickly and easily. One way you can take advantage of this, as a small business, is to set up your Google My Business account. This is a free tool that allows you to help list and rank and local search listings.

Finally, you’ll also see a huge spike in the use of social media. Social media is becoming one the most prominent ways that you distribute content as well as build loyalty for your company. It provides a platform for you to share content, allow users to experience you in a more personal way, and allow your users to share your content amongst their own followers. So, if you are not already on a social media platform, now is the time to start. Without it, you surely will drift back into the dark ages and your business will never see the light of day.

SEO is tough. But with a well-thought-out plan, a decent budget, and the ability to read trends, you to can create a solid Indianapolis SEO marketing strategy that will set you up for success in 2017.

