
CRYPTO — Is Bitcoin Ever NOT Gripped by Uncertainty?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place. — Gordon Gekko

Is Bitcoin Still Crying at the Door of $52,000?

Is Bitcoin Still Crying at the Door of $52,000?

Ah, dear readers, allow me to indulge you with yet another riveting piece of news from the ever-turbulent world of Bitcoin. It seems that uncertainty, like a clingy ex, just cannot seem to let go of its tight grip on the minds and hearts of Bitcoin traders. But is this really a surprise? I mean, when isn’t Bitcoin gripped by uncertainty? It’s practically a staple feature at this point!

The article in question, penned by the illustrious Laurie Dunn, delves into the current state of affairs in the realm of Bitcoin. Apparently, after reaching the lofty heights of $53,000, Bitcoin finds itself at a crossroads. Will it defiantly cling to these levels and make a triumphant return to the bull run, or will it, with a heavy heart, succumb to the downward spiral, seeking refuge in lower buy-in zones?

One cannot help but ponder the musings of Laurie Dunn as she paints a picture of Bitcoin slowly rolling over, forming lower highs and lower lows. Such behavior could potentially signal the formation of a bull flag, but then again, it might just as well herald a grim breakdown, unleashing a substantial price fall. It’s like watching a high-stakes poker game, and we’re all holding our breath to see the final hand.

Zooming out to the weekly time frame, the article astutely points out that there are numerous robust support levels lurking below the current price. $47,000, $44,000, and $42,000 are whispered as the potential havens where institutional and retail investors might flock if Bitcoin were to descend to these levels. It’s like a siren’s call, luring in the weary and the hopeful alike.

And what about the future, you ask? Ah, the future! Laurie Dunn boldly asserts that for those with the fortitude to weather the storm for the next year to 18 months, buying into these dips could be a golden opportunity. Regardless of the FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) peddled by the likes of the SEC or the ECB, Bitcoin’s resilience is unwavering. It’s like the unsinkable ship of the cryptocurrency world.

But let’s not delude ourselves; a bear market is inevitable. Such is the cyclical nature of Bitcoin, following its four-year cycles. Brace yourselves, dear readers, for the bear market may very well drag the price back to the dreaded $30,000 level. However, for those with a ten-year investment horizon, these fluctuations are mere ripples in the grand scheme of things. Bitcoin is like the fabled phoenix, rising from the ashes time and time again.

So, what’s the takeaway from all this? Major adoption of Bitcoin in the future seems not just plausible, but likely. As the ultimate rebel, eschewing the trappings of a failing monetary system, Bitcoin is poised to continue attracting significant interest. It’s like the renegade outlaw that everyone secretly admires, a symbol of freedom in a world weighed down by convention.

And there you have it, dear readers, a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Bitcoin, where uncertainty reigns supreme, and yet, the allure of potential riches and revolution persists. Until next time, may your trades be prosperous and your spirits resilient!

[Disclaimer: This article is intended for entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other form of advice.]

Is Bitcoin Still Crying at the Door of $52,000?

Is Bitcoin Still Crying at the Door of $52,000?



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto

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