
CRYPTO — Is There Any Substance Behind the Surge of Meme Coins Among the Major Cryptos?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto
3 min readMar 13, 2024


Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs. — Zig Ziglar

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Crypto Queries — March 8th, 2024

Crypto Queries — March 8th, 2024

The surge of meme coins among major cryptocurrencies, particularly in the altcoin space, is undoubtedly a captivating phenomenon. This inexplicable rise of meme coins alongside traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum has sparked intrigue and skepticism in equal measure. One cannot help but question the substance behind this surge and whether it is just a passing trend or if there is genuine value to be found within meme coins.

The recent surge in meme coins’ popularity has been underpinned by several notable occurrences in the cryptocurrency market. Notably, Bitcoin’s surge past the $71,000 mark following the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority’s decision to allow crypto exchange-traded notes has had seismic implications for the altcoin space. This significant development has coincided with the ascent of meme coins, positioning them at the forefront of the altcoin trend. This juxtaposition raises critical questions about the intrinsic value of meme coins and their correlation with the broader crypto market.

Within this context, it’s essential to critically evaluate the specific meme coins that have been propelling this surge. For instance, BlastUP, a premier launchpad on Blast, has raised over $1 million in a few weeks, attracting an increasing number of early investors due to its high potential. The project’s innovative approach, which involves empowering Web3 tools with AI innovation for fast and quality startup launches, has garnered substantial attention. Additionally, the current presale of BlastUP tokens at a discounted price, combined with the promise of exclusive benefits for token holders, has further fueled interest in the project.

Furthermore, the market dynamics surrounding established meme coins such as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu Token have also contributed to the surge. Dogecoin’s alignment with Elon Musk’s recent tweet hinting at Bitcoin and Shiba Inu Token’s trading surge both indicate a potential bullish trend. These developments have added to the narrative of meme coins becoming the stars in the altcoin space, a narrative that currently dominates the crypto narrative and captures the attention of investors and traders alike.

In contrast, the dynamics within the broader altcoin space, involving established cryptocurrencies like Cardano and Solana, have presented a more uncertain picture. Cardano’s exclusion from the Grayscale fund and Solana’s price movements have added layers of complexity to the altcoin landscape, where the interplay between traditional altcoins and meme coins is increasingly intricate and convoluted.

Therefore, the surge of meme coins among major cryptocurrencies appears to be driven by a confluence of market dynamics, investor sentiment, and technological innovation. The interplay between traditional cryptocurrencies and meme coins is increasingly prominent, underscoring a shift in the altcoin narrative and raising essential questions about the substance behind this surge. As the crypto market continues to evolve, it will be crucial to monitor the sustained relevance and impact of meme coins within the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem. The emergence of projects such as BlastUP and the shifting dynamics of established meme coins may provide valuable insights into the longevity and substance of meme coins’ surge among major cryptocurrencies.

Crypto Queries — March 6th, 2024

Crypto Queries — March 6th, 2024



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto

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