
CRYPTO — Why Would Crypto Traders Hedge Against A 40% Rise In Bitcoin In Just Four Weeks?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto
4 min readFeb 28, 2024


Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. — Aristotle

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In the ever-fluctuating world of cryptocurrency, the recent surge in Bitcoin’s value has prompted a rather interesting response from traders. As Bitcoin soared above $59,000, marking a remarkable 40% increase in just four weeks, some traders began to take precautionary measures against a potential downturn, as indicated by data from Greeks.Live. This surge outpaced the 31% rally in the CD20, a broader indicator of the crypto market’s performance. The rapid escalation in value, which seems to align with Bitcoin’s historical patterns of surging in the lead-up to mining reward halvings, has generated anticipation for the cryptocurrency’s fourth halving event in April, where the per-block emission will reduce to 3.125 BTC. The prevailing consensus is that this event, combined with robust ETF inflows, signifies a potential supply-demand imbalance and the prospect for further upward movement.

However, amidst this optimism, some traders have taken a more cautious stance by acquiring bitcoin puts, which provide the option to sell the underlying asset at a predetermined price on or before a specific date. These traders are primarily driven by the perpetual funding rates, which suggest an overheated market that could experience a correction exceeding 10%. Notably, the acquisition of these puts, particularly at strike prices below the current market rate, reflects a defensive strategy by market participants, with a specific focus on safeguarding profits.

Greeks.Live, a crypto block trading service provider, has observed a notable surge in the purchase of puts, especially under $50,000, with large bitcoin holders (referred to as “whales”) proactively seeking to protect their substantial positions. This market phenomenon, while relatively uncommon, has historically emerged during major spot-driven bull markets, wherein spot holders secure puts for protective measures. Consequently, as these traders continue to hold their positions and capitalize on the accelerating bull market, a portion of their profits is being allocated towards the acquisition of out-of-the-money puts.

This strategic approach, which is driven by the desire to balance the potential for significant gains with the need for downside protection, underscores the complexity and dynamism of the cryptocurrency market. As the market continues to evolve and adapt, it’s clear that traders are employing a range of sophisticated strategies to navigate the uncertainties and opportunities presented by the crypto landscape.

In the past 24 hours alone, over 50 block orders with a notional value exceeding $5 million have been executed through Greeks.Live, with a substantial portion of these transactions representing active buy positions for lower strike out-of-the-money puts. The significance of these developments in the market underscores the growing importance of risk management and defensive measures among traders in response to the remarkable ascent of Bitcoin.

As the cryptocurrency market continues to captivate the attention of traders and investors worldwide, the interplay between optimism and caution within the market is likely to contribute to ongoing discussions and strategic decision-making. The proactive approach taken by some traders to proactively safeguard their positions amid the current market dynamics serves as a poignant reminder of the multifaceted nature of the cryptocurrency landscape, where risk and opportunity converge in a constantly evolving environment.

In conclusion, the strategic acquisition of bitcoin puts and the broader response of traders to the recent surge in Bitcoin’s value reveals a nuanced and multifaceted approach to risk management within the cryptocurrency market. The interplay between optimism and caution reflects the complex and dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency landscape, where traders navigate a delicate balance between the pursuit of gains and the need for protective measures. As the market continues to evolve, the strategic decisions made by traders serve as a testament to the depth and sophistication of the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto

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