Would You Believe It? Another Testnet Launch for Yet Another Composable Modular Signature Network?

Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto


“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” — Lao Tzu.

Be prepared to embark on yet another testnet launch for a composable modular signature network. The dWallet Network, developed by dWallet Labs, has announced the introduction of a first-of-its-kind composable modular signature network. The dWallet Network introduces the concept of dWallets, a noncollusive and massively decentralized signing mechanism that can be utilized as a building block on L1s and L2s to sign native transactions across various chains, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana.

The demand for operating across different blockchains has led to the sacrifice of fundamental principles of Web3 — user ownership and decentralization. Existing cross-chain solutions such as bridges and messaging protocols have compromised the native security of on-chain assets, creating vulnerabilities for network participants to collude and steal user funds. In contrast, dWallets ensure the security of native interoperability by introducing a noncollusive multi-chain solution, where user consent is required by default to execute actions across any network.

The dWallet Network is a composable modular network that enhances the capabilities of any blockchain by adding signatures. For example, using the dWallet Network, an Ethereum developer could generate Bitcoin signatures from their Ethereum smart contract. Builders on L1s and L2s, whether on monolithic or modular networks, can control a dWallet and natively manage assets and logic across all of web3. Whether building web3 solutions for custody, DeFi, DAOs, gaming, and more, builders on any protocol will be able to use dWallets to extend functionality and achieve secure interoperability.

A dWallet is a programmable and transferable signing mechanism that resides on the dWallet Network. The owner of a dWallet can have an address on any other blockchain and can sign transactions for those networks. dWallets are programmable and transferable, enabling builders to create logic that governs whether a signature will be generated. Because dWallets use signatures, assets always stay on their native chains, eliminating the cross-chain risks of wrapping, bridging, or messaging.

The dWallet Network utilizes a field of cryptography called MPC (multi-party computation) to create signatures through a noncollusive and massively decentralized process. This process requires both the user and the dWallet Network, ensuring the security of user assets against collusion.

The dWallet Network is backed by top VCs, strategic partners, and investment DAOs, and it is anticipated that the mainnet will go live later this year. To learn more about dWallets and the dWallet Network, users can visit dwallet.io.

In conclusion, the dWallet Network has set a new standard for multi-chain collaboration in web3 with the introduction of dWallets. By prioritizing user consent, security, and decentralization, the dWallet Network has paved the way for a more secure and interoperable multi-chain web3 world. As the network continues to evolve, it will be fascinating to witness the impact of dWallets on the broader crypto ecosystem.



Laxfed Paulacy
Straight Bias Crypto

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