Published in
1 min readMar 18, 2019


My Morning Matcha

This year, I’m making a conscious effort to lessen my coffee habit. It’s too difficult to cut it out entirely, but I’ve found matcha or cocoa (or BOTH!) to be a delicious and healthier alternative. This is the go-to recipe for my morning matcha latte, which doubles as an energy boost and a filling breakfast option. For more matcha inspiration, check out recipe ideas from chef & author Candice Kumai.


Matcha powder — 1 tablespoon
Cocoa powder — 1/2 tablespoon
Vanilla collagen protein powder — 1 scoop
Grass-fed butter — 1 tablespoon
MCT or coconut oil — 1 tablespoon
Coconut or almond milk, warmed — 1/2 cup
Hot water — 1 cup
Dash of cinnamon


Blend all ingredients until frothy. Yes, that’s it.




Writes with her heart on the page. Loves creative projects, coffee with cinnamon, Parks & Recreation, and ocean coastlines. Happy wife & new mama.