Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2019


Quiet Time (draft)

Ever since I became a mom, quiet time for myself, even if it was for 30 minutes, was sacred. It was the only time of the day where I could meaningfully check in with myself, reflect on how the week or month is going, blue sky and brainstorm creative projects and ideas.

It was the only time of day where I did not have to think about anyone else except myself, while seemingly indulgent to others was actually a necessity and vital part of self-care for folks like myself — women, creatives, introverted, givers.

It’s how I filled myself up so that I could in turn be present and attentive to others.




Writes with her heart on the page. Loves creative projects, coffee with cinnamon, Parks & Recreation, and ocean coastlines. Happy wife & new mama.