What did my 2010 read like?

Anjali Gupta
Pause, often.
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2010

As part of my preparation for 2011, I spent some time reflecting on the books I read this year, or to be specific, the books I remember reading. Here they are — each of these books had at least a few chapters that stirred the mind or the heart.

A Whole New Mind, The Art of Innovation, Three cups of Tea, Into Thin Air, How to Think Like Leonardo da Vinci, The Lives, Loves & Deaths of Splendidly Unreasonable Inventors, The Cure, Making Breakthrough Innovation happen, Free: The Future of a Radical Price, What the Dog Saw

Many of these were not on my reading list at the beginning of the year. In fact some famous titles turned out to be quite disappointing so I decided not to mention reading them. Surprisingly, the list has very few spirituality related books unlike my 2009. I did pick up the The Power which is the sequel to The Secret but did not find it engaging. Right now I’m reading the Fabric of our Lives based on the story of FabIndia, and Krishnamurti Reader which was recommended by a spiritually-inclined friend.

If I had to choose one book from my 2010 list it would be The Lives, Loves & Deaths of Splendidly Unreasonable Inventors. When I enter a bookstore I make a silent wish to find a book unknown to me but one that the universe wants me to read. On this particular day the wish came true. I found this book at Landmark’s corner table where books that are not moving are piled up. The book is a collection of short stories; each one brings out the life and character of the person behind a famous invention. The word “unreasonable” is an important qualifier and every story shows you why. If you need inspiration to make some unreasonable choices in your life, I suggest you pick up a copy.



Anjali Gupta
Pause, often.

Loves unusual folks, unusual ideas, and humble energy. MBA @Wharton, ComputerScience COEP-Pune.