Write for Pause Button!

We want to read your submissions!

Amy Greenlee
Pause Button


Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Pause Button is now open to submissions!

If you have a great humor piece about what you’ve been watching lately, please email an unpublished, private Medium draft to pausebutton.medium@gmail.com.

All submission emails should include the following:

  • The subject line should read Submission: Title of Your Piece.
  • The body of the email should include your name, a short bio, your twitter handle (if you have one), and the link to your Medium draft.

What we are looking for:

  • Short (200–800 word), previously unpublished humor pieces about TV shows and movies.
  • We accept a variety of formats, including lists, quizzes, things ranked, open letters, dialogues, monologues, If X was your Y, parody, satire, and other types of premise-driven humor.
  • We do NOT accept satirical news, non-fiction personal essays, poetry, or pieces that “punch down”.
  • To get a feel for what we like, please read Pause Button.
  • Please send only one submission at a time.

What to expect:

  • We aim to reply in one to two weeks. Please…



Amy Greenlee
Pause Button

Editor of Pause Button & Gospel of Jest. Words in McSweeneys, Belladonnas, Slackjaw, etc. Writes to the sound of her kids screaming. Twitter: @greenleeish