10 Product Design podcasts in 2020

Published in
3 min readFeb 11, 2020

1. Shop Talk

A weekly podcast with over 260 episodes about building websites starring Dave Rupert and Chris Coyier. Development, design, performance, accessibility, tooling, a little bit of everything! Including a weekly guest answering user’s questions.

2. User Defenders

An industry celebrated UX/UI podcast with interesting guests.

3. Jake and Johnathan

A hilarious podcast by Jake and Jonathan (formally Product Breakfast Club) is a behind the scenes look at how some of the best companies in the world design their products. Jake Knapp, NY Times best-selling author of “Sprint,” has helped companies like Slack, Nest, and 23andMe build successful products.

4. Design Details

An interesting podcast by Bryn Jackson and Brian Lovin, where you can learn from the best in the industry. Includes interviews with a product designer at Slack, a creative director at Google, and the design lead at Shopify.

5. Design Matters

This podcast claims to be the world’s first podcast about design. Episodes are composed of conversations with designers, writers, artists, musicians, and other creative types who have unique perspectives on modern design.

6. UI Breakfast Podcast

A UI/UX podcast, UI Breakfast is hosted by Jane Portman, who brings in industry experts to share their knowledge and insights about UI/UX trends, products, marketing, and more.

7. Code Podcast

Learn about design from a developer’s view. It is a code podcast but they do covers allot of design topics.

8. The Hacking UI Podcast

An offshoot of their popular Hacking UI newsletter, the Hacking UI podcast features creators Sagi Shrieber and David Tintner discussing their passions: design, development, entrepreneurship, time hacking, and tech. Interviews with some top designers working today.

9. The Product Podcast

Product Management podcast featuring PMs from Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Spotify, Twitter, and other tech companies/ startups. Tune in if you’re a manager, designer, engineer, entrepreneur, or marketer who wants to learn the latest best practices and break into Product.

10. Design Review

A twice a week podcast by Chris Liu and Johnathan Shariat about design thinking, UX and more. Fifty-three episodes and still going.

