Auto-Tweet your blog Content with Google/Twitter Integration

Oscar Limoke
Pawa IT Solutions
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2015

So today when we made a blog post as always on our blog and notice something interesting or intriguing; That our blog content was auto-tweeted, and beautifully done. The tweet summarised the blog content, added hashtags by applying the tags and category the blog fell into and shortened the link beautifully. The tweet in question is below:

This would have passed, but we noticed, since we have had a few server configuration issues and as such, we removed all plugins that our Wordpress Blog supported. So basically, our blog had no plugin to do this. Save for one thing, a twitter widget we grabbed twitter’s code to display the tweets on on our blog. So instead of being happy, we went into a frenzy, had we been hacked? Had twitter or Wordpress rolled out a service we were not aware of that could do this beautiful thing?So we started investigating right into our server and twitter account. But our server was water tight because not even a plugin could be installed into our server, we had locked out all and any write permissions. So it couldn’t be, it had to be a service. None of us had logged into the company twitter today to tweet and even if we had, the tweet in question was so beautifully done that pointed to an automated service or way of doing it.

So we drilled down into the apps that we had allowed in our twitter account and fund one service that could only make sense, Google/Twitter Integration service that on closer examination, found out had been enabled by or through Feed burner. Yes, Google rolled out quietly this awesome service that allows your Feed burner to pick contents from you blog and craft and create awesome tweets, complete with hashtags and a shortened URL for the link. This is a pretty awesome feature for any blogger who runs and manages content and social media. Want to try i and give it a spint? Why not get in touch with us?

[caption id=”” align=”alignnone” width=”200"]

Twitter Ninja

Twitter Ninja[/caption]

PS: If you seeing a tweet with his blog, we did not tweet it, but the Feed burner crafted the tweet and posted it for us, how cool? :-)



Oscar Limoke
Pawa IT Solutions

Business Lead & Technical Support @pawa_it; Delivering the promise and delight of Cloud Solutions to biz/orgs across Africa.