G Suite adds new Advanced password controls for all SKUs

No More Sharing your G Suite Password across other internet accounts

Oscar Limoke
Pawa IT Solutions
2 min readDec 11, 2018


Google just implemented across all G Suite SKU a host of new Password implementations that all seek to secure individual G Suite accounts. The new passwords features will make it possible to enforce additional rigorous password requirements for increased security and to meet their compliance needs.

Some o the exciting secure changes you will find useful include:

  • Require that users set a strong password: You can force users with weak passwords to change them. You can also require a certain number of characters for passwords.
  • Prompt users to change their passwords after a certain number of days: You can determine when users are asked to change their password. 30 days prior to password expiration, users get a reminder 4 times to change their password when they sign in. If they ignore the reminders, they’re forced to change their password the next time they sign in. However, if you set a user’s session length to never expire, they might not see a prompt to change the password, even after the password expires.
  • Prevent users from reusing old passwords: This is a common problem in business where users have a common/same password across their online accounts, both for work, and for personal accounts. Now when a personal account/internet account is compromised, it all is a dominoes falling, with access to all their user accounts like your business applications include. This would make such a “dominos fall” difficult.

This and a few other changes will be available in the next few weeks in your G Suite Domain.

  1. Here is the blog update: https://gsuiteupdates.googleblog.com/2018/11/advanced-password-controls-for-gsuite.html
  2. Help Center Article on Enabling and Managing User Passwords: https://support.google.com/a/answer/139399



Oscar Limoke
Pawa IT Solutions

Business Lead & Technical Support @pawa_it; Delivering the promise and delight of Cloud Solutions to biz/orgs across Africa.