Common communicable infections of Dogs during their social interactions- Part1

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8 min readNov 10, 2018


Whether you are boarding a dog over the weekend in a kennel or taking them for a Playdate to someone else house or to a dog park, it is a nightmare when they fall ill. Despite the best care at home sometimes dogs contract a few common ailments when they are around other dogs which are already infected. We talk about a few such common contagious illnesses’

Canine Distemper

Canine distemper is a very common yet serious and sometimes fatal infection that dogs contract. This is caused by a virus which attacks the respiratory, Gastrointestinal and nervous systems of dogs and can be nearly fatal for puppies
This Virus is usually airborne and can spread from one infected go to another when the infected dog ether Sneezes or the healthy dog eats or drinks from the same bowl hence exposing itself to the virus from the infected dog’s saliva.

How would you know if your dog is infected

Infected dogs show early symptoms like water eyes or a pus-like discharge which will constantly flow from the dog’s eyes followed by Fever, loss of appetite, Nasal discharge, nausea and heavy breathing almost like the dog is choking. If left unattended the symptoms progress with the virus attacking the central nervous system. This is accompanied with the muscle twitches, convulsions, partial or complete seizures to paralysis. One obvious symptom which earns this disease its other name “hard pad disease “ is the thickening of the footpads.


If you see any of these symptoms either immediately after bringing home your dog from boarding or from a park or event or find your dog is showing the symptoms after you hear about other sick dogs in your neighborhood you need to consult a vet immediately. Canine distemper can be prevented by vaccines to earlier detection, but it is usually fatal and even if the dog survives its causes irreparable damage to the nervous systems which leaves some dogs with paralysis or very weak muscles.


Canine distemper is usually prevented with a series of vaccinations which are given to puppies in their early days to help them develop the necessary immunity. Even though they are vaccinated, you should be very careful and watchful about their interactions with other dogs or puppies who look ill to you.

In the wild canine distemper is very common amongst raccoons, so if you stay nearby a raccoon population you need to be cautious about your dogs eating anything out in the open from the ground or eating anything that has been bitten by a raccoon or by other wild animals

Canine Influenza

Also commonly called dog Flu, this is also a highly contagious infection caused by the Influenza virus belonging to Orthomyxoviridae. This is a Type A influenza virus. As of now there two distinct Influences virus strains which cause the Dog flu, H3N8, and H3N2. Viruses especially the ones causing influenza are known to mutate fast and give rise to newer strains. The virus is usually spread through close contact from either sneeze or cough of infected dogs or from salivary secretions of infected dogs to healthy ones. This virus is also known to spread through items like infected clothing, Leash etc if the healthy dog bites or chews on it or from an infected dog to human skin and then to a healthy dog.

How would you know if your dog is infected

The influenza virus has an incubation period between 1–5 days and mostly the dogs will show signs of infection only after 48–70 hours after initial exposure. The virus infects and replicates within the respiratory tract. Dogs become extremely uneasy and they find it very difficult to breathe, while this has nothing to do with their inability to breathe, its just the uneasiness resulting from the death of epithelial cells lining the respiratory tract. This is accompanied by a cough, and fever, nasal discharge, and loss of appetite. In care cases when the infections are detected late or not treated early, it can progress into pneumonia


If your dogs show any of the symptoms above you need to immediately consult a vet for treatment. The treatment usually comprises of identifying the strain of virus to start with followed by specific Antibiotics and Antimicrobial treatments for secondary material infections. Most of the times these drugs are supplement through intravenous fluids for helping the dog recover faster. Most dogs will recover within 2 to 3 weeks of infection and will get back to normal without any side or after effects


While the virus can cause a lot of inconvenience for your dogs and you during the period of infection this isn’t widespread like the common cold which hits humans. The morbidity rate ( the number of affected dogs who are exposed to the virus ) is around 80% and the mortality less than 10 %. And even when death occurs is because of a host of other reasons like secondary infections, late detection, pre-existing conditions etc rather than the flu alone. It is better to keep your dog away from infected dogs and also ensure they do not eat or drink from the same bowl of an infected dog. If you have been away to another pets place and you suspect the dog has the flu, once you come home you will have to sanitize your clothes and your palms and feet before you pet your dog. The virus can remain active on the human skin up to 12 hours. Vaccines for the two strains H3N8 and H3N2 canine flu are available with your vet.

Canine ParvoVirus

Commonly called Parvo this is a highly infectious strain of virus which almost all dogs. This virus attacks the gastrointestinal tract and causes severe damage the dogs’ ability to eat and digest. The virus normally spread through close contact between the infected dogs and healthy ones normal through infected stool, or through food or water which gets contaminated with the stool from an infected dog.
The Virus is extremely heat and cold resistant and can survive on floors or toys and other objects for days. Even the slightest of traces can lead to infection

How would you know if your dog is infected

Since this virus attacks the gastrointestinal system, the symptoms present initially as severe loss of appetite, Bloating or swelling of intestine or stomach, fever, extreme lethargy, diarrhea accompanied by vomiting and dehydration.


If your dogs show any of the symptoms above you need to immediately consult a vet for treatment. The virus is very deadly since dogs who contract this virus will not serve more than 72 hours following the onset of the initial symptoms. While there is no specific drug to kill this virus, the treatment largely depends on the dog’s age, its immune system and its ability to fight off the virus and more importantly the stage of infection.


Parvo vaccines are a part of the initial vaccination regime for puppies and you should ask your vet if the puppy has been administered with this vaccine. Puppies should ideally receive their Paro virus shot when they are between 14 and 16 weeks of age. Adult dogs are also administered this vaccine and owners must ensure they stay up to date on these booster shots. Remember to keep your dogs in isolation or protected from other dogs which are infected.

Kennel Cough

Called Canine infectious tracheobronchitis, is a highly contagious and very common respiratory infection in dogs. The names come from the fact that dogs normally contract this from places where many dogs come in contact with each other ( like a Kennel to daycare, events etc). The virus is usually spread airborne or through contact of salivary fluids or other contaminated surfaces like the floor, leash, bowls or even transferred through human touch

How would you know if your dog is infected

Dogs who have contracted the kennel virus will show symptoms like storing cough ( dry or otherwise ) this is accompanied by a wheezing or honking sound which is very audible. Symptoms like nasal secretion, continuous sneezing, lethargy, loss of appetite and lack of sleep or rest with mild fever and discomfort.


A veterinary intervention will be required to treat this virus. The treatment normally consists of antibiotics and also antibacterial medication for secondary infections. The vet would usually suggest helping the dogs breathing and easing its infection with the help of Nebulisers to vaporizers. This not only reduces the uneasy but also helps with healing and sleep for the dogs


Bordetella Bronchiseptica vaccine is available with your vet and is normally used to inoculate the dogs against a kennel cough . while this is the most common cause of Kennel Cough in dogs there can be other agents like viruses or mycoplasmas which could also cause this hence there cannot be a 100% protection from Kennel Cough. The vaccine is usually administered two to four weeks apart, followed by boosters bi-annually. Pet parents have to ensure they are up to date with these shots to prevent dogs from contracting the cough


This is an infection caused by the Leptospira bacteria. This kind of infection normally spreads through Soil and water and less through the air. There are different strains of this bacteria and they fall under the zoonotic category which means the infections are capable of spreading from animals to humans. While such cases are rare but not impossible

How would you know if your dog is infected

Dogs which have contracted this Bacterium will show symptoms like Fever, shivering, loss of appetite, Diarrhoea, in rare cases inflammation and reddening of the eye. You may also observe in some cases that the vomit or stool of the dogs containing Blood with the dogs showing difficulty in breathing.


Leptospirosis isn’t fatal or even that serious, most dogs will recover automatically with little external help, but in some cases if the immunity fo the dog is low or if there are other illnesses then this can cause quite a trouble. It is usually treated with Antibiotics and supplements


Leptospirosis can be prevented by commonly available vaccines with your Vet. This is an annual vaccine and needs to be kept up with. It is also very important that you ensure that your dog doesn’t come in contact with other dogs who already have contracted this. Ensure that your dog doesn’t come in contact with urine or feces of other dogs or have open wounds or cuts on their skin. Since we spoke about the possibilities of humans contracting this from infected animals, you have to ensure that you keep your dog isolated if its infected and disinfect the house regularly till he recovers. Ensure that toddlers or young children don’t come in contact with the dogs’ urine.

Maintaining a good hygiene goes a very long way in ensuring your dogs stay healthy. Disinfect the house with per friendly products frequently. Be watchful about other dogs with infection. Do not leave your dogs in places which are not clean and hygienic even for a short time. Be careful not to allow toddlers, younger children or elders with existing infections or illness to come in contact with your dog which is infected. Above all provide good care to your sick pet. Dogs are quite resilient and will recover quickly from most of these infections if detected early and given the proper care in and out of the Clinic.

Originally published at on November 10, 2018.



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