George the Jack Russell who died saving kids

Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2018
George the Hero who died trying to save children from a Pitbull attack

On a Sunday morning, 29 April 2007, George the Jack Russell Terrier was playing with five kids in small Taranaki town of Manaia. The kids aged between 3 and 11 were returning from a local shop when two Pitbulls attached them.

Richard Rosewarne, 11, the oldest of the children, said the pit bulls came up behind them and attacked his brother Darryl Wilson who was four 4 then. The tiny dog George leaped to the defence of the children. He was no match for the Pits who according to Richard started to bite George— one on the head and the other on the back. The children ran to get help, but by the time help arrived it was too late. George was badly mauled. The injuries sustained were so severe that there was no way George would make it out of this alive. His owner, Allan Gay, decided t end the pain and had to euthanize him. Allan has lived alone and for 7 years George was his faithful companion. Allan has inherited George from his neighbours when he was 2 after the neighbours had to move away.

George died a Hero says, Allan while controlling his tears

George is remembered fondly for his braveness and a bronze statue has been erected in his memory in Manaia, Taranaki, New Zealand. The New Zealand Society for the Protection of Animals awarded George a bravery medal, presenting it to his owner at the school that the children attend. George was also awarded the PDSA Gold Medal by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals

RIP GEORGE , you will remembered for your Big heart and Love for humans, for eons to come



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