This is how it all began…

Published in
3 min readSep 8, 2018
We are here to tell you what we need!

Let's begin at the beginning

Who we are

Pawedy is a technology platform which connects pet parents and pet service providers. Pawedy makes the process of owning and caring for pets, simple, affordable and ecstatic. You shouldn't take our word for it ask your pets and they will vouch for us.

Why did we start

Because our furry friends asked us to. We have been pet owners all our lives and know so many loving pet parents who treat pets as family. For the last few years though we have been unfortunate to witness so many people who despite their best intent have not been able to make their commitment beyond just buying a pet. We have seen so many of these pets being sent to foster cares, few sent to rescue homes and a few abandoned on the streets and yet a few we couldn't reach in time have died. Some of it is so heart wrenching, we decide to do something about it.

We started peaking into the problem and decided its a whole cycle. we spoke to pets parents, even aspiring ones and most importantly to the pets themselves ( yes we have some whisperers amongst us). To slice a long story short, we realized that we have to cover a lot of ground and we started off with something small yet hugely significant.

Helping people to decide if they should own a pet

We helped so many aspiring pet owners decide whether they were ready, what kind of pets they should look at owning, where should they get the new family member from, what and how they should prepare for the arrival and we were there to welcome them with the owners and once we were done celebrating with them we moved on the next family . And yet for some, we had to tell them they were not ready yet. We have been so fortunate to have made so many associations with these loving families that they told us how we can keep helping them. We decided to put awesome back into pet caring

Pawedy is born — Paws + Awesome + Howdy

We are striving to get loving pet parents ( and yet to be parents) and amazing pet lovers who provide a range of service together on to one platform. Starting with providing consultations before you buy a pet to getting your dogs to exercise with a walk, training them while you can, board them without any worries when you are on vacation, have someone drop in and visit when you are at work or find a store nearby to by those tasty treats, to finding pet friendly transportation service and the list goes on…

There is so much that we can do for our furry friends and so many people ready to do it. we have set our visions very high, we envision a world which is all barriers to owning and caring for pets is removed and each one of us has a loving and happy pet to go back home to

We have miles to go before we realize even a fraction of this dream, but we have done something most important, ‘Start’, we will figure out the rest it on our way with our furry friends and loving owners like you walking with us and telling us what you need each step of the way.

It's going to be a fun ride, make sure to say “ PAWEDY” out loud and jump on to the wagon



Editor for

Pawedy makes the process of owning and caring for your pets, Simple, affordable and ecstatic. We are your best friends-best friend .