The Best Way To Train Your Puppy: Proven Training Techniques for a Happy, Obedient Dog

Unlock Your Puppy’s Potential with Proven Training Techniques for a Happy, Well-Behaved Companion

Jamel Hendley/Greenviool
Published in
6 min readJun 15, 2024


Positive reinforcement is key to effective puppy training. Start early and be consistent. Digitally created Adobe photo plus by Jamel Hendley

Are you struggling with a misbehaving puppy that’s turning your home into chaos? You’re not alone, and there’s a solution at hand!

Imagine transforming your energetic, unruly puppy into a well-behaved, obedient companion who brings joy and harmony to your household. Sounds too good to be true? With the right training techniques, it’s entirely possible.

By starting training early and using proven positive reinforcement methods, you can unlock your puppy’s potential and foster a lifelong bond built on trust and mutual respect. From housetraining to teaching essential commands, our comprehensive training system covers it all.

Don’t wait another day to start your puppy on the path to good behavior. Click here to explore our specially designed training products that can make a real difference in your puppy’s development. Your journey to a well-trained, happy puppy starts now!

Discover the training products and start today!

When Can I Start Training My New Puppy?

Did you know? Puppies can start learning from the moment they come home. Use treats and praise to encourage good behavior. Digitally created Adobe photo plus by Jamel Hendley

Your new puppy is constantly learning! From the moment you bring them home, every interaction contributes to their training. This includes housetraining, household manners, and social experiences. Sometimes, puppies might even begin some formal training before joining their new families, such as housetraining basics, greeting manners, and understanding how their actions can lead to rewards.

How Do Puppies Learn?

Puppies learn through experiences that are rewarding. They will repeat behaviors that have positive outcomes from their perspective. If an action results in treats, attention, toys, or the opportunity to explore, they are likely to do it again. Using praise and rewards, known as positive reinforcement, is the most effective method. Creating a positive learning environment with management, supervision, and structured training plans helps puppies succeed. Punishing unwanted behaviors can lead to fear and confusion, so it’s best to avoid it.

Click here to buy the product that helps with positive reinforcement training.

Understanding Your Puppy’s Preferences

Lure training is an effective way to teach new behaviors. Always use high-value treats to keep your puppy engaged. Digitally created Adobe photo plus by Jamel Hendley

First, discover what your puppy loves and use these preferences as rewards when they exhibit desired behaviors. This simple concept can be tricky to implement but is crucial for effective training. Always consider rewards from the puppy’s point of view.

If your puppy loves attention and petting, and they jump on you, bending down to push them off while talking to them reinforces the jumping. Instead, wait until they sit calmly before giving attention.

Check out training tools to reinforce good behavior.

Key Training Areas for Puppies

Think about what you want your puppy to do in different situations. Here are some examples:

  • Responding to their name
  • Greeting people politely
  • Interacting with other animals
  • Staying calm when the doorbell rings
  • Knowing where to rest or sleep
  • Cooperating with grooming and veterinary care

Once you know the desired behaviors, you can start training your puppy in small steps. For instance, when your puppy hears their name, you want them to come to you and wait. This can be trained using methods like luring, capturing, and shaping.

Using Lures in Training

Lure training involves using a treat or another object your puppy will follow to guide them into the correct position. This method is effective for introducing new behaviors. The lure should be attractive, moving the puppy’s nose—and consequently, their body—into the right position.

To get a puppy to sit, hold a treat above their nose and move it back. As the nose goes up, the puppy’s rump will go down into a sit.

Get delicious training treats to make luring easier.

Capturing Behaviors

Regular grooming helps build a bond with your puppy. Make grooming sessions positive experiences with treats and praise. Digitally created Adobe photo plus by Jamel Hendley

Capturing means marking and rewarding behaviors your puppy naturally does. This helps you observe and reward positive actions. A marker signals that a treat or toy is coming. Common markers include clickers, short words (like “Yes”), or gestures.

If your puppy looks at you when you call their name, mark the behavior with a click or “Yes” and then give a treat.

Shaping Behaviors

Shaping involves rewarding any behavior that resembles the desired goal, gradually increasing the criteria as the puppy gets closer to the goal. This method is powerful for teaching complex skills.

When teaching name recognition, initially reward the puppy for any movement towards you when their name is called, gradually increasing the criteria until they come all the way to you.

Discover the comprehensive training system to shape your puppy’s behavior.

Effective Use of Cues

A cue is a signal that tells your puppy a reward is available if they perform a specific action. Match cues with actions when you’re sure your puppy can succeed. Always reward your puppy when they respond correctly to a cue.

Handling Non-Compliance

Socialization is crucial between 7 and 14 weeks of age. Introduce your puppy to new experiences in a safe and positive way. Digitally created Adobe photo plus by Jamel Hendley

If your puppy doesn’t follow a cue, consider potential distractions or confusion. Adjust the training environment to help them succeed and be consistent in your guidance.

Fading Out Lures

Transition from using treats as lures to using empty hands that mimic the same movements. Continue rewarding the puppy when they achieve the goal to move from lure-based to reward-based training.

Continued Training and Socialization

Training is an ongoing process. Short, frequent sessions are more effective than long ones. Begin socialization early, introducing your puppy to new experiences in a positive and controlled manner. Training classes can be beneficial for both learning and socializing.

Click here for advanced training tips and tools.


Training your new puppy is a journey filled with moments of joy, learning, and bonding. By understanding how puppies learn and using positive reinforcement techniques, you can set your puppy up for a lifetime of good behavior and companionship. Remember, the key is consistency, patience, and using the right tools to guide your puppy’s development.

By starting training early and using methods like luring, capturing, and shaping, you can teach your puppy valuable skills and behaviors that will benefit both of you. Whether it’s responding to their name, greeting people politely, or staying calm during grooming sessions, each step you take contributes to a well-behaved and happy dog.

Don’t wait to start this rewarding process. Equip yourself with the best training tools and resources to make the journey smoother and more effective. Click the links throughout this article to explore products that can help you train your puppy with ease and confidence.

Join the puppy training community and get the support you need for a well-behaved, happy puppy. Click here to get started!

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Jamel Hendley/Greenviool

Hi all, I'm Jamel I write about all types of things from resilience to dogs. I write whatever comes to mind. Please follow me