Dealing with Errors in Kotlin Coroutines: Exception Handling and Error Propagation

Fırat Gürgür
Paycell Tech Team
Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024

Kotlin coroutines play a central role in modern asynchronous programming paradigms. Effectively handling errors encountered during asynchronous programming processes is crucial for the robustness and reliability of an application. In this article, we aim to delve into the critical aspects of error management when using Kotlin coroutines and address the complexities of error propagation.

Asynchronous programming is widely used in modern software development practices. However, encountering errors in such programming processes is inevitable. Errors arising from network calls, file operations, database interactions, and other external sources must be effectively addressed to ensure application reliability and user experience. Kotlin coroutines offer various tools and strategies for handling such errors in asynchronous programming scenarios.

Error Handling within Coroutine Scope

When using Kotlin coroutines, ensuring error handling within the coroutine scope is crucial for managing asynchronous operations effectively. The coroutine scope controls the lifecycle of a specific task, necessitating the proper handling of any errors that may occur within it.

In the above example, errors occurring within a coroutine can be caught and appropriately handled within the outer scope.

Using Supervisor Jobs

Supervisor jobs are essential tools for error management, especially in scenarios involving parallel coroutines. Supervisor jobs ensure that an error in one coroutine does not affect others, enhancing the overall robustness of the application.

Using a supervisor job ensures that a coroutine’s error does not impact other coroutines, allowing the process to continue.

Error Propagation

Now, let’s talk about how errors spread. Say you’re waiting on a result from a coroutine, but it hits a snag. Here’s how you can handle it:

In the above example, we throw an exception within an async coroutine and handle it appropriately by catching the exception.

So, there you have it! With Kotlin coroutines, handling errors is a breeze. Whether it’s within the coroutine scope, using supervisor jobs, or dealing with error propagation, you’ve got the tools to keep your code robust and reliable. So go ahead, dive into those coroutines, and fear no error!

