How To Keep Airbnb Superhost Status

Earn Superhost status and then keep it, how to stay winning.
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2017


Most every Airbnb host who isn’t there yet has dreamt of what it would be like to finally reach Superhost status. To become a Superhost, we need to be diligent about guest communication and facilitate guest experiences that bring in all of the five-star reviews. Being a Superhost doesn’t just bring bragging rights, either. There are benefits for the host and listing that simply make it essential to maintain our lofty status. Let’s take a look at what it takes to become a host, the benefits that it can bring, and how we can make sure we keep our Superhost status.

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How to Become a Superhost

Becoming a Superhost is easy for an attentive, available individual. There are four yearly evaluation periods that Airbnb decides who deserves to be deemed ‘Super’. A host’s performance is judged between each of the four periods. Statistics on a few points of hosting are measured by Airbnb over a year’s time. Basically, we need to be dedicated to communication, commitment, guest satisfaction, and overall experience.

Communication: At least 90% response rate to guests
Commitment: No cancellations (barring extenuating circumstances)
Guest satisfaction: At least 80% of reviews are 5-star
Experience: Hosted at least 10 completed trips

Superhost Benefits

The most prominent badge of honor a Superhost wears is, well, their Superhost badge which is displayed proudly on the listing. Aside from that, a Superhost receives some other benefits. We would receive priority support whenever we call or tweet @AirbnbHelp. Guests are also able to choose a filter that only shows them Superhosts which gains more guest views for our listing. At times, Airbnb will even offer previews to upcoming releases or exclusive event invites to Superhosts. If a host can maintain their status through all four yearly evaluations and have an active listing on the anniversary of their Superhost status we will get $100 to stay at an Airbnb on our very own vacation.

Maintain Superhost Status

If we want to continue being a Superhost we simply have to keep following the rules of communication, commitment, guest satisfaction, and experience. Each evaluation period we must maintain a solid 10 guests with an 80% rate of positive reviews. To accomplish that we should always make sure to optimize our listing and get on those front pages of search results. It’s also wise to invest our Airbnb earnings back into our listing to continue reaching new guests. Becoming a Superhost is only half of the battle, but a persistent host that is willing to upgrade their listing as needed will have no trouble. We can track Superhost status in the ‘Superhost’ section of our dashboard.

Becoming a Superhost is only half of the battle, we have to continue to be excellent continue reaping the benefits. Remember that Payfully is always there when we need some extra cash for maintenance, furniture upgrades, or even for our own vacation.

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