Avoid the awkwardness. Share it with Mypoolin.

The Payments Infrastructure Company
3 min readMay 24, 2017

5 situations where you are stuck with uncomfortable You Owe Me’s.

Given your fast and dynamic social life, we are sure you must have faced numerous scenarios that require sharing & splitting money with friends. We bring to you 5 such situations that can turn very awkward, if not handled well!

1. When your friend owes you money since long, for that night-out and you are broke.

How about appending a message ‘Saving my pockets’ when requesting money from him/her!

2. When you loan money to a close relative or friend, and they promptly forget

Add the message ‘Saving your dignity’ when requesting money from him/her!

3: When your rent is pending and you are out of all cash in hand

How about requesting money from your friend in seconds with the message ‘Saving my face’!

4: When a birthday party spirals out of control, and you’re stuck holding the bill

Add the message ‘Saving our friendships’ when splitting the total expense with your bunch of friends!

5: Dining out with a group of friends, going on a date, or having dinner and the bill comes on you.

How about requesting money from your friends back in seconds (after the dinner) with the message ‘Everything is equally shared ;)’!

The best way to fix such a situation is to leave all worries to us at Mypoolin. As we always say, why should sharing money be boring? One of our key missions at Mypoolin is to make it precisely the opposite of boring. And many of you (our users) have proven time and again that there is no shortage of ways by which you can have fun while sharing money.

No matter how kind or organized you are, it’s worth trying to prevent these awkward scenarios from happening altogether. Got any more to add from your experiences, do leave a comment below. We will also be giving away our cool monthly T-shirts to the most interesting stories!

Keep Sharing!

Team Mypoolin



The Payments Infrastructure Company

The one stop solution for all your business payments, settlement reconciliation & money management needs.