What’s new? PaymentX 1.10 Beta

Draft invoices, timeout notifications, default crypto addresses and wallet password restore functionality



PaymentX has released its v1.10 beta update. Now that we have the core functionality for PaymentX in place, we’re able to focus on adding useful features to make our service more versatile and life more convenient for our users. Here’s what’s new this time:

📝 Draft invoices

It’s now possible to start an invoice and save it as a draft before submitting it. This is helpful if you want to log different pieces of work as you go and include many items on one invoice over time. The invoice can be submitted at any point — whether that’s when a specific tranche of work is complete, at the end of a week or a month, or when the funds due reach a certain total.

Saved drafts can be loaded when creating a new invoice. It’s also possible to copy previous invoices for speed and convenience.

Drafts — Copy existing Invoices or save new ones as a Draft for later use

⏱ Session expiry and timeout

PaymentX will now notify the user about session expiration. If you haven’t been active on the site for a certain amount of time, you’ll be shown a notification with a countdown timer to automatic logout and asked to press Continue if you want to keep working.

Protecting your data with automated Session expiry

🔑 Restore wallet password

If you have forgotten the password to your wallet, you can now reset it using your Wallet Back up phrase.

Easily restore the password to your wallet by entering the associated recovery phrase

⭐️ Default crypto wallets

For every cryptocurrency supported by PaymentX, users can now specify a default wallet. The default address will automatically be set as the wallet for payment, when that cryptocurrency is selected.

Choose which Asset should be sent to which wallet

Additionally, we have made numerous performance improvements and bug fixes.

That’s all for now! ⚡️ We hope these updates are useful. Please let us know what you think or tell us about new features you’d like to see!


PaymentX is an automated cryptocurrency payroll solution for your business. Pay the team using crypto in one click, send and receive professional invoices, set up regular payment dates — all quickly and conveniently!

Questions? Email us at help@paymentx.io
Comments? Email us at hello@paymentx.io



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