What’s new? PaymentX 1.8 Beta

PaymentX 1.8 is the first version to be released after our public beta.



This update is designed to make PaymentX even easier to use, making it a fast and convenient solution for invoicing and settling crypto payments.

Include your logo

Personal or business logos can be uploaded to an invoice, making it more professional-looking and adding a personal touch to your bills.

Add a logo to your Invoice

Auto-prompt for email addresses

When filling in the ‘Bill To’ field, the system now prompts you with email addresses to which you’ve previously submitted payments, or received them from. This makes it faster to use and helps avoid mistakes.

Auto-prompt for email addresses

Search wallets by name and address

When you’re receiving payments, you can search for the wallet you need by name or address — handy if you have more than one wallet you use regularly.

Search wallets by name and address

Unpaid invoices removed from Pending

After their Due Date passes, any invoices that have not been settled will be removed from the list. Before this release, they were simply left in the Unpaid section, which could be misleading, since it didn’t allow for invoices to be cancelled or paid late.

Send yourself invoices

We’ve also included the ability to send invoices to yourself. This is useful if you run your own business and need to pay yourself. Alternatively, if you’re the administrator for a company and are in charge of the accounts, this will also be necessary for making your own salary payments.

If you haven’t already signed up for PaymentX, register for the platform and find out how easy it is to use! Visit https://paymentx.io.

PaymentX is an automated cryptocurrency payroll solution for your business. Pay the team using crypto in one click, send and receive professional invoices, set up regular payment dates — all quickly and conveniently!

Questions? Email us at help@paymentx.io
Comments? Email us at hello@paymentx.io

Try PaymentX: PaymentX.io



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Manage your cryptocurrency payroll seamlessly