What’s new? PaymentX 1.9 Beta

Payments to any wallet address, the ability to set a default payment currency, email requests for payments, multiple attachment upload and additional information for invoices.



In the latest release for PaymentX, we have added a series of new features to make submitting crypto invoices and keeping records more flexible and convenient. Here are the major updates for version 1.9.

Receive payments to any wallet

When you create an invoice, you can now include the address of any wallet to receive payment. The address no longer has to be one that was created or added to PaymentX at an earlier point. Many wallets create a new address for each transaction, and so this is a great feature that helps make using PaymentX more private and convenient.

Add your wallet address directly upon creating an invoice

Set primary payment asset

You can now select a primary asset — the default currency you will use for accounting in all invoices and operations.

Choose between USD & RUB to receive payments in

Request payment by email

You can now send a payment request for Bitcoin by email. The email will include your wallet address and a QR code, plus the amount of BTC to be paid.

Upload multiple files to an invoice

When uploading files to attach to your invoices, it is now possible to select several files at once. This is helpful if there are multiple documents associated with a job — for example, travel tickets, expenses for meals and accommodation, or even work itself. Previously, files had to be selected and uploaded one at a time.

Optional ‘From’ and ‘Title’ fields for invoices

It is now possible to add two extra fields to invoices: From and Title, which can be used to include any additional information about the sender of the invoice. You can complete these fields in Settings, meaning that when you enable the From field in the invoice, this information will automatically be filled in.

Add preset Description and a Title to an invoice

Makeover for invoice status icons

Icons representing invoice statuses are now colour-coded for an easier at-a-glance overview!

All new status icons looks

Minor improvements

Along the way, we have also made a series of more minor improvements and fixed over 20 bugs.

🗯 Try PaymentX and let us know what you think, we’d love to hear how you’re using it!

PaymentX is an automated cryptocurrency payroll solution for your business. Pay the team using crypto in one click, send and receive professional invoices, set up regular payment dates — all quickly and conveniently!

Questions? Email us at help@paymentx.io
Comments? Email us at hello@paymentx.io



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Manage your cryptocurrency payroll seamlessly