Adaptive Payments is Moving to Limited Release — What you Need to Know

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readSep 27, 2016

On October 6th we will begin the process of moving the Adaptive Payments product into a limited release mode. Limited release means a few things for Adaptive Payments in this case:

  • Adaptive Payments will be restricted to select partners for approved use cases and should not be used for new integrations without guidance from PayPal.
  • The Adaptive Payments documentation will only be accessible from a single new location, the documentation directory.
  • All references to Adaptive Payments as a solution within the documentation will be removed / replaced with the best current solutions.

Adaptive Payments will continue to be a fully supported offering, so integrations will continue to function without interruption. Our end goal with this project is to migrate all existing users of Adaptive Payments on to the modern products that will be the core of our future development APIs, namely Braintree and the PayPal REST APIs.

Why we’re moving to a limited release

This is the first step in a far reaching effort to continue to provide modern offerings, and the best solutions, for developers. To continue this, we are centralizing our efforts behind the development and optimization of the products that are built towards supporting the future of the payments industry.

Much of the functionality provided by Adaptive Payments is available in newer solutions that fully support the latest in consumer experiences from PayPal, such as mobile optimization and One Touch. However, Adaptive Payments is still the best solution for a small set of use cases, which is why we will continue to offer it as a limited release product for select partners.

Existing applications and Adaptive Payments users

For existing users of Adaptive Payments, your applications will continue to work during this process, and you will not experience any disruption in service. With that said, we will be working hard in the coming months to provide migration guides, advice, and support for moving existing developers towards integrating Braintree or the PayPal REST APIs, which will be continually updated to support any modern features or payment methods that should arise.

If you are not currently using Adaptive Payments for your payment integration, it is not recommended that you create a new service with Adaptive Payments as the payment integration mechanism.

Stay tuned for updates.

