Announcing the PayPal Commerce Factory

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readDec 3, 2013

I’m pleased to announce the launch of our new global meetup series, PayPal Commerce Factory, and our first meetup on 21st Century Online Finance: Crowd Funding, Crowd Investing & P2P Lending. Commerce Factory is an initiative that targets the discussion of commerce in open technology.

What Can you Expect from a Commerce Factory Meetup?

Our main goal for these meetups is not to have this as the “PayPal Show”. Instead, what we’re doing is creating meetups geared around open commerce topics, inviting in some of the best speakers in the regions to talk about those concepts — and of course, we do it all with good local food, drinks, and giveaways. We specifically wanted to target some of the topics that we normally wouldn’t as a commerce company, and create discussion around how to fix mass industry problems.

Some of the first topics that we will be exploring will be crowdfunding in our first San Jose meetup, and then commerce hardware hacking (Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, etc.) in our inaugural Miami meetup in January. You can expect to see future topics around Bluetooth Low Energy, Node.js, Go, working with emerging markets, and more, all geared around the topic of discussing open commerce in technology.

Where Can I Join a Meetup?

At the moment we have just started announcing meetups in a few cities. In the coming months, you can expect to see meetups spring up in London, Paris, Berlin and other cities worldwide as we build the Commerce Factory. As of right now, we have two meetups available for everyone to join for free:

Thank you! Jonathan LeBlanc (@jcleblanc)

