Battle Hack Seattle: Opening Day

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readAug 10, 2013

Battle Hack Seattle participants came in like lions in the early morning of Day 1, with over 20 arriving before the registration desk even opened at 9 am. Perhaps it was the excitement of making their ideas come to life, or the networking with the local Seattle dev community…or the cool Raspberry Pi units we provided to the first 50 attendees who came in and registered. [caption id=”attachment_552" align=”aligncenter” width=”300"][

Hackers listen to Jon LeBlanc at Battle Hack Seattle

]3 Attendees listen to Jon LeBlanc walk through the event agenda at Battle Hack Seattle[/caption] By the time the event kicked off, it was standing room only at The Hub as Jon LeBlanc, Head of North American Developer Evangelism kicked off the event. Jon went through the agenda, walked n00b hackers on how to get their hack on and showed off the coveted Battle Hack ax, the trophy for first prize at the regional events. Technical overviews from partners such as Twilio’s Carter Rabasa, SendGrid’s Scott Motte, and Nokia’s Jan Hanneman . Initial hack idea videos were streamed to the crowd for team formation, after the initial capture during the registration flow. To provide idea founders a way to mass pitch the crowd, idea videos were collected prior to the pitch segment of Battlehack and played to the wider audience. Go here to see idea videos for Battlehack Seattle. We’re looking forward to seeing ideas come together in the next 24 hours. Stay tuned! Wanna see a play by play? Check out our Twitter account, @PayPaldev.

