Dust is eloquent — the logic wars

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
8 min readJan 28, 2014

There are classic feuds like the Hatfields and McCoys, vi versus emacs, and PC vs Mac. In the world of templating, there seems to be just one such dispute: logic-less template languages versus template languages providing logic constructs. So why the fuss?

If you consider the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm, work is divided up among the three parts and compartmentalized. Each part has its own concerns. The view takes data from the model to render the presentation. The controller receives requests, marshalls data to send to the model, and selects a view to be rendered. The model usually has business rules and application logic plus provides data to the view for rendering. The goal is to maintain a “separation of concerns” among the three parts.

Separation of concerns and logic in the template

Maintainability and flexibility are key reasons for using an MVC-like architecture. If business logic is partially in the model and partially in the view, it becomes difficult to figure out where to make changes when fixing or enhancing the system. This is where the “logic-less” proponents take their stand. If you can’t do logic in the template language, then you can’t accidentally have business logic in the template implementing the view.

Logic-less template languages

On the face of it, logic-less sounds fairly extreme. How can you do anything that is conditional if you can’t have any logic? It turns out, if you restrict the logic to just if-exists and if-not-exists, you won’t be able to do any business logic but can still have the template provide different output for different values in the data model. This is the minimal logic provided by Mustache, one of the earliest logic-less template languages. Here is an example of using all the logic forms you have in Mustache. The snippet will output a list of names or output “No names provided” if there are no names in the model data.

No names provided

Mustache’s section notation, {{#foo}}, is similar to that of Dust except Dust uses fewer “mustaches”, e.g. {#foo}. Both languages skip rendering the content if foo is non-existent or is an empty list thus providing a form of logic wrapped in the idea of iterating over data. Mustache adds one more construct, the {{^foo}}text{/foo} which will output the text body if foo does not exist, is false or is an empty list. There you have it. That is the total extent of logic in Mustache. This deliberate minimalism makes it impossible for the template writer to add any business logic to the view. It does mean that any variation in output must be catered to via the model having extra values (or omitting them when not present is used to control the output).

The slippery slope of logic

Adding logic capabilities to template languages is an easy thing to do and tempting since the asceticism of Mustache often chafes the template writer. The downside of adding logic capabilities was not well understood in the early days of template languages. If you look at this JSP hideosity, it becomes clear how bad it can get.

<script type="text/javascript">
var myConfig = {
<% if (lastPage) { %>
showPreviousButton :true,
showNextButton : false ,
<%} else {%>
showPreviousButton :true,
showNextButton : true ,
<%} %>

This mixes three languages in just a few lines (HTML, JavaScript and JSP) and relies on the fact that JSP is compiled down to Java code. Even if you don’t use scriptlets which are generally acknowledged to be a bad thing, JSP still has full conditional logic via the Java Standard Tag Library’s tag. The EL expressions it provide gives you the full power of Java conditionals so the path is wide open to add business logic to the template.

There is an interesting paper by Terence Parr, “Enforcing Strict Model-View Separation in Template Engines” that formalizes the study of template engines using results from formal language theory. In the paper, he defines an “entanglement index between model and view”. The index ranges from 1 (low entanglement) to 5 (maximal entanglement). Each of 5 rules violated increases the index value. The rules are:

  1. Model data must be read-only
  2. No computations can be performed on model data, e.g. price*.90 to get sale price
  3. No comparisons on model data, e.g. numAccounts < 5
  4. No assumptions or dependencies on the type of the model data
  5. Model data must not contain information to control the display/layout

His survey of a number of template languages showed they are polarized. Either they have minimum entanglement of 1 or a maximal entanglement of 5 — the slippery slope seems clear. Dust with the current set of Dust helpers has an index of at least 3 and maybe 4 depending on what the application puts in the model. If you restrict yourself to the main Dust language and avoid the helpers, you can be at an index of 1

For minimum entanglement, these are the only features a template language should provide:

  • attributes (called keys in Dust)
  • conditional processing based on presence/absence of an attribute
  • recursive template references
  • template application to multi-valued attribute

What logic capabilities does Dust offer?

The Dust base language is very similar to Mustache with a few tweaks to make it more readable. If we rewrite the above Mustache example in Dust it would be:

No names provided

This is more concise and readable than the Mustache version. If you want to write it Mustache-style Dust still has the {^foo} form. Further, Dust offers {?foo} as the inverse of {^foo} allowing a test without committing to iteration at the same time. In the spirit of Mustache and logic-less, none of these forms permit comparison.

Be aware of how model values intended for such tests work exactly in Dust. It is not exactly the same as JavaScript.

  • Empty strings, “” or ‘’ evaluate to false, boolean false, null, and undefined all evaluate to false. This corresponds with how these values are treated in JavaScript
  • Numeric 0 evaluates to true, as does any non-zero length string value. The treatment of numeric 0 is different from JavaScript where is it is considered false.
  • Empty array -> [] is evaluated to false. All other objects evaluate to true.

This means that using 1 and 0 for model value of true and false is a bad choice for Dust as both are considered true. Your best bet for a false representation is to just omit the value from the model or make the value an empty string.

In case you are curious what Dust has added that increases the entanglement index, it’s the following helpers: @if, @select, @eq, @ne, @gt, @lt, @gte, @lte, @math. We will take a look at these in a future post on helpers.

Why do developers need to write logic in templates?

Let’s look at the other side of the coin. Most UI developers are not maliciously looking to jam business logic into their templates. Largely, they are trying to deliver a designated UI design and user experience in a productive way and leave a flexible/maintainable solution. Why might a UI
developer feel they need logic in the template?

The data model is inadequate to do my job

If the model data is not sufficient for just exist/not-exists tests then you have only two choices: a) use template logic to do compares or b) ask the owner of the model to make changes to meet your presentation needs. Often the model construction is done in a language not known by the UI developer (like Java) or it comes from some external third party and is just a “given”. This prevents a “dive in and fix it yourself” solution.

But suppose the model is built within the scope of your overall project. What might you, the UI developer, need to ask the model owner to change and why? Here are some samples:

  • In the list of state names and abbreviations, please add “selected: true” to the U.S. state this user has in the address information. Why: I cannot mark the element “selected” without logic in the template.
  • In the list of account records, add a property “even: true” to entries that are even numbered. Why: I can’t add a class to even rows without logic in the template. Well, not quite true. I could use nth Child CSS pseudo selector but not all browsers support it.
  • If the likesCount is zero, add an extra item to the model, “noOneLikesYou: true”. Why: I can’t test the model value, that would require logic in the template.
  • If the values are 0 and 1, could you make them ‘’ and 1 (see Dust true/false testing above). Why: I can’t test explicit 0 and 1 values without logic.

Of course, the response from the owner of the model logic might well be “Why should I add presentation-oriented data into the model? That violates the separation of concerns and bloats the model.”

So in an effort to keep all logic out of the template, we have introduced view-oriented logic into the model. If in the future, the view needs to change, the model logic will be impacted or even more tweaks to the model will be required. So we have broken the “separation of concerns”, just in a different way.

So what if we allow logic? I poked around in some of our template code and found this example where having logic is being abused.

{@if cond="parseInt('{expirationYear}') < new Date().getFullYear()"}
stuff to output

This is using the full power of eval in @if to do a bunch of JavaScript logic to determine what should have been a “isExpired” value in the data model.

The horns of our dilemma

We can either:

  1. severely restrict our template language to be certain careless UI developers can’t inadvertently introduce some business logic, or
  2. allow some logic in our template language to avoid presentation-oriented data having to be added to the model but ensure the logic is used only for pure UI matters.

I favor option 2, not crippling the UI developer’s just to be sure they don’t mess up. We don’t treat other developers in this way. Instead we use mechanisms like good training, peer programming, and code reviews to be sure the code is high quality and robust. Similar techniques for UI developers can ensure that business logic stays where it should, even if we occasionally have to apply the Mallet of Loving Correction.

The following simple questions could form a checklist for UI developers employing logic beyond the simple attribute tests.

  • If you are comparing a model value to something else, is the purpose purely presentational?
  • If your logic tests involves && and ||, think hard about whether there might be some business logic going on. The more complex the test, the more suspect it should be.
  • If you are doing any math operation, make certain it is only for presentation purposes

So there you have the arguments for logic-less and what some call “less logic” template languages. You’ve seen some pros and cons and I’ve stated my preference. If you feel strongly about it one way or the other, go make a comment on Twitter with the hashtag #logicless. We’ll be interested to see your thoughts.

If you want to read more on the logic-less debates, here are some other links to peruse.

The case against logic-less templates
Logicless template redux
Cult of Logic-less template

