Implementing a Fast and Light Weight Geo Lookup Service

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
8 min readJan 29, 2015

Fast Geo lookup of city and zip code for given latitude/longitude

Problem description

Geo lookup is a commonly required feature used by many websites and applications. Most smartphone applications can send latitude and longitude to server applications. Then the server applications use the latitude and longitude to perform Geo lookup.

Geo lookup falls into two categories:

  1. For a given latitude and longitude, retrieve full postal address including street, city, zip code.
  2. For a given latitude and longitude, retrieve nearest city with zip code.

Overwhelming majority of websites and applications require city and zip code only. The scope of this software is for server applications requiring to extract the nearest city with zip code for a given latitude and longitude.

This document describes a light weight, in-memory, fast lookup of zip codes for a given latitude/ longitude. This blog explains in detail how the inherent nature of zip code data source can be exploited to generate the cache through pre-processing. And the generated cache can be served from in-memory system to accomplish a very fast Geo lookup. Developers and product managers can implement it using the technique described in this post.

Illustration and reference implementation is provided for the US only. However it can be extended internationally.

High level Geo Lookup process


Data source has a record per zip code. Each record has the following elements: zip code and its corresponding state, city, state, latitude and longitude.

Use case

  • Client apps such as smart phone apps send user’s latitude and longitude.
  • Web service reads latitude and longitude used. Web service Geo Lookup implementation retrieves the nearest zip code for the user’s latitude/ longitude.

This article describes how to implement and set up a fast Geo look up service using neither paid data source nor paid software.

Third party data and software providers

There are many providers who do sell data and software. Software can be either a library or a hosted solution. However there are some free data sources. Check out a few data resources here:

Sample records from csv

  • US|94022|Los Altos|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.3814|-122.1258|
  • US|94023|Los Altos|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.1894|-121.7053|
  • US|94024|Los Altos|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.3547|-122.0862|
  • US|94035|Mountain View|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.1894|-121.7053|
  • US|94039|Mountain View|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.1894|-121.7053|
  • US|94040|Mountain View|California|CA|Santa Clara|085|37.3855|-122.088|

Geo look up algorithms

All these data sources typically have around 49,000 records for the US and is available in CSV format. Each record contains latitude, longitude, state, city and zip code. There will be one record per zip code.

The Geo lookup process typically involves the following steps:

  1. User request is received with latitude and longitude by the web service or application.
  2. Query the data source and retrieve the nearest zip code calculated using nearest Geo distance algorithm.

Nearest point calculation involves selecting a set of points (around x Km radius) from the CityZipLatLong database around the given latitude/longitude and determine the point with minimum distance among the distances from each selected point. For the US, assuming 20 km radius is an optimal choice and assuming 20+ points selected for minimum distance calculation, it might take 50+ milliseconds.

The geographical distance between two latitude/ longitude is explained here: You can implement this algorithm or use open source software that supports Geo point data. Elastic search server is one such open source server that can be used for this purpose.

  1. You can implement this algorithm or use open source software to retrieve the nearest point.
  2. Ingest the zip code data into SQL database. Implement SQL client to retrieve the nearest point.
  3. Ingest data into elastic search server. Use Geo point query to retrieve the nearest point.

Typical industry implementations

Typical implementations use either paid or in house software. These implementations use on-demand caching. The caching will be done for each latitude/ longitude. However, on-demand caching does have a few disadvantages:

  • Requires use of services to retrieve nearest point for requests with new latitude/ longitude.
  • Requires provisioning software (service) for new points and make on-demand request. Need to maintain this service and software.
  • Cache size may end up being huge since latitude/ longitude values have 4-digit precision. For example, number of points in US will be 250,000 (valid latitudes between 24.0000 and 49.9999) times 500,000 (valid longitude between -122.0000 and -70.0000) equaling 125 billion.

Alternative perspective of data and requirement

The goal of this approach is to enable a simple and ultra fast Geo lookup service. This approach does not use Geo distance calculation services during user request at run time without affecting the the accuracy of nearest point calculation. This implies that we need to create cache through pre-processing. In addition, cache size should be smaller.

In effect, the implementation should involve the following steps:

  1. One time pre-processing: Generate the Geo lookup cache for all possible latitude and longitude. The cache size should not less than few GB for world.
  2. In memory lookup during user request.

Data and requirement analysis

  • For the US, we have 49,000 records (one per zip code).
  • Total US area is 9.8 million square kms. Typical 95 percentile distance between any two adjacent zip codes is more than 8 kms.
  • Latitude for the US ranges from 24 to 50 while longitude ranges from -124 to -65.
  • A 0.01 difference in latitude is around 1 km and a 0.01 difference in longitude is around 1.5 km.
    Given this, the percentage of points among all possible latitude/ longitude in the US that may spill to an adjacent zip code could be less than 0.5 percent. Given the usage context, using two decimal precisions should be acceptable for most websites and applications.
  • With two decimal precisions being good enough, we can determine the worst-case count of latitude/ longitude values for US contiguous states.
  • Two decimal precisions result in 15 million (2600 times 6000) possible latitude/ longitude values. Nearest zip code can be calculated for 15 million latitude/ longitude through one time pre-processing.

Cache Data storage and optimization

The process of generating the cache involves the following:

  • For each possible 2-decimal precision and radius boundary, request for nearest zip code. Given the vast area of the US, with a 20 km radius, only 7 million latitude/ longitude have nearest city/zip code.
  • Radius boundary can start from 10 km and if nearest zip code is not found, then we can progressively increase radius (say 20 km, 30 km, 40 km) until the nearest zip code is found. Using this approach, we can map all possible latitude/ longitude in the US with nearest zip code. (See Fig. 1 for illustration.) For places like New York city, 10 km is enough to get the nearest zip code. For many locations in Nevada state, 40 km radius will be required to get nearest point.
  • With only 49,000 points available in the US data source, an average of 250 latitude/ longitude points in cache will have the same zip code. When you extend this cache for all countries in the world, it would seem necessary to reduce cache size.
  • One technique will be storing one record in cache instead of 10 records for 10 successive latitude or longitude points with the same nearest zip code. For example for a given latitude and longitude values from -89.16 till -89.24, if the nearest zip codes are same, then we need to store only latitude and -89.20. In the fast lookup implementation, for a user request with say -89.19, both values for both -89.19 and -89.20 will be fetched. If -89.19 is not found in cache, value for -89.20 will be used.
  • Example illustration
  • Data set 1: Calculated nearest zip code for given latitude (37.12) and different longitudes (-89.16….-89.24) = 12346
  • Data set 2: Calculated nearest zip code for given latitudes (42.12) and different longitudes (-67.46….-67.54) = 52318
  • Instead of storing 10 keyValue entries for each of the above data set, we can store just one keyValue entry per data set. These will be
  • <(37.12:-89.20), 12346> and <(42.12:-67.50), 52318>
  • Good example for these data set 1 and 2 will be locations in Nevada, Arizona, etc. (See territory map below in Fig 1.)
  • Instead of storing latitude/ longitude as float, use 100 times the value and store them as integer. As an additional optimization latitude/ longitude can be stored in a single 32 bit integer with latitude as 16 bit MSB and longitude as 16 bit LSB.
Image Map of United States

Figure 1 : US territory map from

Pseudo code

Pseudo code for cache generation

  • For each country/region determine the latitude/longitude boundary. Ex: the US boundaries are latitude range 24 to 49 and -122 to -69.
  • For each 2-decimal precision latitude/ longitude
  • Set radius = 10Km
  • While (nearest zip code not found AND radius < 50 km)
  • Find nearest zip code
  • If (nearest zip code) found
  • Add latitude/ longitude, zip code data as (K,V) in look up cache.
  • break
  • If not found, set radius = radius + 10

In above steps, aggregation of latitude/ longitude with same zip codes values can be performed and resulting in reduced cache entries. Format of the cache entry record. There will be two fields as (k,v) pair. Latitude and longitude will be stored as key. For storage optimization, latitude and longitude together will be stored in 32 bit integer with latitude in 16 bit MSB and longitude in 16 bit LSB. Both latitude and longitude will be stored with 100 times its values as integer. Since 16 bit integer can hold -32768 to +32768, full range latitude and as well as longitude values (-18000 to +18000) can be stored. The value v in (k,v) holds the seq Id for zip data.

Pseudo code for zip look up for user request

This is typically executed in a web service.

On server start up

Use in-memory kv map to load the lookup cache. Alternate options could be services like CouchBase memcached.

User request processing

  1. Receive user request with latitude/ longitude
  2. Convert latitude/ longitude to 2-decimal precision’s and convert them to 100 times their values.
  3. Form the key in 32 bit: (latitude << 16) | longitude
  4. Note: Latitude is stored in 16 bit MSBB and longitude in 16 bit LSB. Shift latitude left 16 times and bit OR with longitude.
  5. Look up in GeoLookupCache to retrieve the zip code.

Reference implementation for Fast Geo lookup for the US

Currently FastGeoLookup is implemented only for the US. This is preliminary implementation. Provided only as reference implementation and is not tested.


Data sources

  1. Refer to compliance requirements if data from this web site is used.
  2. OpenGeocode: Refer to compliance requirements if data from this web site is used.
  4. US territory map from

