Integrate our new JavaScript SDK for Payments

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
1 min readDec 13, 2016

PayPal’s Braintree is a core building block for accepting payments on the web, enabling merchants to accept PayPal, credit cards, 3D Secure, Apple Pay, Android Pay, and more.

This year, we introduced a new version of our Braintree JavaScript SDK (Software Development Kit). With numerous improvements such as a smaller file size, greater flexibility, and input formatting, this modernized JS SDK is ready for the web of today and tomorrow.

We’re pleased to announce General Availability of v3 of the Braintree JS SDK, ready for you to integrate and use right away. This SDK is a great way to accept PayPal on your website, and we recommend that you use it for new PayPal integrations.

Braintree offers additional features above what you’ll find in PayPal alone, including support for additional payment methods. Also, you’ll have a simple path toward accepting new payment methods in the future.

This new SDK is now open source on GitHub. Want to change or improve something? We welcome pull requests.

Ready to get started? Visit our Braintree JS documentation, and let us know what you think!

Braintree Product Team

