Powering Transactions Search with Elastic — Learnings from the Field

Balaji Srinivasaraghavan
The PayPal Technology Blog
7 min readAug 10, 2016


We see a lot of transactions at PayPal. Millions every day.

These transactions originate externally (a customer using PayPal to pay for a purchase on a website) as well as internally, as money moves through our system. Regular reports of these transactions are delivered to merchants in the form of a csv or a pdf file. Merchants use these reports to reconcile their books.

Recently, we set out to build a REST API that could return transaction data back to merchants. We also wanted to offer the capability to filter on different criteria such as name, email or transaction amount. Support for light aggregation/insight use cases was a stretch goal. This API would be used by our partners, merchants and external developers.

We choose Elastic as the data store. Elastic has proven, over the past 6 years, to be an actively developed product that constantly evolves to adapt to user needs. With a great set of core improvements introduced in version 2.x (memory mapped doc values, auto-regulated merge throttling), we didn’t need to look any further.

Discussed below is our journey and key learnings we had along the way, in setting up and using Elastic for this project.

Will It Tip Over

Once live, the system would have tens of terabytes of data spanning 40+ billion documents. Each document would have over a hundred attributes. There would be tens of millions of documents added every day. Each one of the planned Elastic blades has 20TB of SSD storage, 256 GB RAM and 48 cores (hyper).

While we knew Elastic had all the great features we were looking for, we were not too sure if it would be able to scale to work with this volume (and velocity) of data. There are a host of non-functional requirements that arise naturally in financial systems which have to be met. Let’s limit our discussion in this post to performance — response time to be specific.

Importance of Schema

Getting the fundamentals right is the key.

When we initially setup Elastic, we turned on strict validation of fields in the documents. While this gave us a feeling of security akin to what we’re used to with relational systems (strict field and type checks), it hurt performance.

We inspected the content of the Lucene index Elastic created using Luke. With our initial index setup, Elastic was creating sub-optimal indexes. For e.g. in places where we had defined nested arrays (marked index=”no”), Elastic was still creating child hidden documents in Lucene, one per element in the array. This document explains why, but it was still using up space when we can’t even query the property via the index. Due to this, we switched the “dynamic” index setting from strict to false. Avro helped ensure that the document conforms to a valid schema, when we prepared the documents for ingestion.

A shard should have no more than 2 billion parent plus nested child documents, if you plan to run force merge on it eventually (Lucene doc_id is an integer). This can seem high but is surprisingly easy to exceed, especially when de-normalizing high cardinality data into the source. An incorrectly configured index could have a large number of hidden Lucene documents being created under the covers.

Too Many Things to Measure

With the index schema in place, we needed a test harness to measure the performance of the cluster. We wanted to measure Elastic performance under different load conditions, configurations and query patterns. Taken together, the dimensions total more than 150 test scenarios. Sampling each by hand would be near impossible. jMeter and Beanshell scripting really helped here to auto-generate scenarios from code and have jMeter sample each hundreds of times. The results are then fed into Tableau to help make sense of the benchmark runs.

  • Indexing Strategy
  • 1 month data per shard, 1 week data per shard, 1 day data per shard
  • # of shards to use
  • Benchmark different forms of the query (constant score, filter with match all etc.)
  • User’s Transaction Volume
  • Test with accounts having 10 / 100 / 1000 / 10000 / 1000000 transactions per day
  • Query time range
  • 1 / 7 / 15 / 30 days
  • Store source documents in Elastic? Or store source in a different database and fetch only the matching IDs from Elastic?

Establishing a Baseline

The next step was to establish a baseline. We chose to start with a single node with one shard. We loaded a month’s worth of data (2 TB).

Tests showed we could search and get back 500 records from across 15 days in about 10 seconds when using just one node. This was good news since it could only get better from here. It also proves an Elastic (Lucene segments) shard can handle 2 billion documents indexed into it, more than what we’ll end up using.

One take away was high segment count increases response time significantly. This might not be so obvious when querying across multiple shards but is very obvious when there’s only one. Use force merge if you have the option (offline index builds). Using a high enough value for refresh_interval and translog.flush_threshold_size enables Elastic to collect enough data into a segment before a commit. The flip side was it increased the latency for the data to become available in the search results (we used 4GB & 180 seconds for this use case). We could clock over 70,000 writes per second from just one client node.

Nevertheless, data from the recent past is usually hot and we want all the nodes to chip in when servicing those requests. So next, we shard.

Sharding the Data

The same one month’s data (2 TB) was loaded onto 5 nodes with no replicas. Each Elastic node had one shard on it. We choose 5 nodes to have a few unused nodes. They would come in handy in case the cluster started to falter and needed additional capacity, and to test recovery scenarios. Meanwhile, the free nodes were used to load data into Elastic and acted as jMeter slave nodes.

With 5 nodes in play,

  • Response time dropped to 6 seconds (40% gain) for a query that scanned 15 days
  • Filtered queries were the most consistent performers
  • As a query scanned more records due to an increase in the date range, the response time also grew with it linearly
  • A force merge to 20 segments resulted in a response time of 2.5 seconds. This showed a good amount of time was being spent in processing results from individual segments, which numbered over 300 in this case. While tuning the segment merge process is largely automatic starting with Elastic 2.0, we can influence the segment count. This is done using the translog settings discussed before. Also, remember we can’t run a force merge on a live index taking reads or writes, since it can saturate available disk IO
  • Be sure to set the “throttle.max_bytes_per_sec” param to 100 MB or more if you’re using SSDs, the default is too low
  • Having the source documents stored in Elastic did not affect the response time by much, maybe 20ms. It’s surely more performant than having them off cluster on say Couchbase or Oracle. This is due to Lucene storing the source in a separate data structure that’s optimized for Elastic’s scatter gather query format and is memory mapped (see fdx and fdt files section under Lucene’s documentation). Having SSDs helped, of course
Sharding the Data

Final Setup

The final configuration we used had 5–9 shards per index depending on the age of the data. Each index held a week’s worth of data. This got us a reasonable shard count across the cluster but is something we will continue to monitor and tweak, as the system grows.

We saw response times around the 200 ms mark to retrieve 500 records after scanning 15 days’ worth of data with this setup. The cluster had 6 months of data loaded into it at this point.

Shard counts impact not just read times; they impact JVM heap usage due to Lucene segment metadata as well as recovery time, in case of node failure or a network partition. We’ve found it helps Elastic during rebalance if there are a number of smaller shards rather than a few large ones.

We also plan to spin up multiple instances per node to better utilize the hardware. Don’t forget to look at your kernel IO scheduler (see hardware recommendations) and the impact of NUMA and zone reclaim mode on Linux.

Final Setup


Elastic is a feature rich platform to build search and data intensive solutions. It removes the need to design for specific use cases, the way some NoSQL databases require. That’s a big win for us as it enables teams to iterate on solutions faster than would’ve been possible otherwise.

As long as we exercise due care when setting up the system and validate our assumptions on index design, Elastic proves to be a reliable workhorse to build data platforms on.

