Secure Authentication Proposal Accepted by W3C

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readNov 24, 2015

Today the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) accepted a submission of proposed technical work from W3C members PayPal, Google, Microsoft, and NokNok Labs. This submission consists of three draft initially specifications developed by the FIDO Alliance to facilitate browser support for replacing passwords as a means of authentication on the Web with something more secure. It is expected that the W3C will take these draft documents as a starting point and, through its standard process, evaluate, enhance, and publish them as W3C Recommendations (link to W3C recommendations page). The goal is for the final specification to be implemented by Web browsers. With a common framework available in all browsers, Web developers will be able to rely on a secure, easy-to-use, and privacy-respecting mechanism for passwordless authentication.

As a catalyst for this work, the username/password paradigm for authentication has well-known issues (see links below) that have become exacerbated with its widespread use by Web sites. Millions of users of various companies across the world have been subjected to account takeovers, fraud, and identity theft as a direct result. While more secure methods of authentication are available, they have proven too expensive and/or too difficult to use to garner widespread use. The members of the Fido Alliance recognized the need for an authentication paradigm shift and have developed a framework and specifications to support eliminating passwords.

From the outset, the Fido Alliance recognized that significant, multistakeholder support would be required in order to effect Internet-scale change. The organization worked diligently to convince relying parties, technology vendors, and hardware manufactures of the need to work cooperatively to address the challenge of replacing passwords. Today the Fido Alliance includes 250 members and, with today’s acceptance by the W3C, the organization is delivering on its promise to enable platforms with open, free to use specifications for passwordless authentication.

The journey is far from over, but the development of the specifications and their acceptance by the W3C are important steps toward improved, easy-to-use, secure authentication. This is yet another example of how we continually strive to improve security not just for our own customers, but for all users of the Web.


