squbs: packaging and deployment instructions to run on AWS nodes


PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readMay 12, 2016


This page describes a quick way to package, deploy, and start a squbs application. This guide uses Amazon EC2 as an example, showing how to run a squbs application in a few minutes.

You can leverage either the scala activator template or the java activator template to begin development.


You need to install the following on your build instance

Steps to build:

  • Clone the source code from the git repo to the <project> directory
  • cd <project>
  • Run the sbt build command, including “packArchive”, such as: sbt clean update test packArchive
  • There are two archives created under <project>/target
  • <app>-<version>.tar.gz
  • <app>-<version>.zip


You need to install the following on your running instance

Steps to run:

  • Copy either of the archives to the running instance
  • <app>-<version>.tar.gz
  • <app>-<version>.zip
  • For example, explode the tarball tar zxvf <app>-<version>.tar.gz to the <app>-<version> directory
  • start the application <app>-<version>/bin/run &
  • You can check the admin http://localhost:8080/adm from that instance, or http://<host>:8080/adm


You can terminate the running process, for example, in linux kill $(lsof -ti TCP:8080 | head -1) Since the application registers a shutdown hook with the JVM, it will shutdown gracefully, unless it is abrupt.

Amazon EC2

Log into AWS EC2 and launch an instance

  • You can create from free-tier, if the capacity meet your needs
  • Security group open (inbound) SSH — port 22, Custom TCP Rule — 8080
  • SSH into server (see AWS Console -> Instances -> Actions -> Connect)
  • Execute step Start and Shutdown as described above

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