Vote for PayPal & Braintree at SXSW 2016

PayPal Tech Blog Team
The PayPal Technology Blog
2 min readAug 24, 2015

It’s that time of year again, when you vote on what sessions you want to see at the next iteration of SXSW in Austin. This year, we have a number of great talks that we would love your votes and comments on:

Modern-Day Evangelists: Spreading the Tech Gospel (Jonathan LeBlanc on panel)
Come join PayPal, Venmo, and Twilio as we dive into the important questions around developer advocacy, and how you can build a burgeoning developer community around your APIs and services.

This Strange Planet Earth: Payments are Cultural (Cristiano Betta speaking)
Cristiano takes us through a worldwide view of the culture of payments, as we explore how countries around the world handle commerce differently, and how we pay each other.

The Anatomy of Invisible Apps (Tim Messerschmidt speaking)
Learn about the anatomy of invisible applications, creating a strong hidden base for your app, while maintaining security, profitability and most important: a great UX.

The Magic of Tokenization: The key to Immersive UX (Joe Nash speaking)
Too frequently, the user experience of our apps shatters immersion for our users, and their attention is lost. This talk is all about a simple solution to maintaining immersion; tokenization.

Holographic Payments (Steven Cooper speaking)
Steve talks about how we can create an interactive holographic display for contextual interactive commerce, allowing users to experience new ways to checkout and interact with the digital space.

PayPal Here Symphony (Steven Cooper speaking)
Using Javascript, Steve creates live music using nothing but code and a Macbook air, creating a musical symphony the likes of which haven’t been seen since the onset of the technical age

Why Shopping Online is like getting a Tattoo (Justin Woo speaking)
Creating shopping experiences online can be as painful as getting a tattoo. It shouldn’t be this way right? Justin goes over the design patterns, techniques, and tools to make security and commerce a painless and easy experience.

The Retail Strikes Back (Jeff Prestes speaking)
In this talk, Jeff explores technologies that bring convenience and intelligence to your retail applications.

That’s it folks, we look forward to representing the payment and commerce industry in 2016, and seeing you all there!

