Be the hub of everything! Paytm is hiring Product Managers

Paytm Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2014

“It’s a lifestyle, not a job.”

- somebody smart

Our offering to the customer is the best way to judge us, we believe. To make this happen, Product Managers on our team not only fret about our product strategy (what should be build and for whom) but also on every minor detail (why is the splash screen around for 0.25 seconds longer than necessary). They’re the catalysts of all that we stand for — which is to build trust and to deliver the best experience for our users.

Our belief is that there are Product Managers, and then there are Product Managers.

If you are a product manager in our team, you love technology, obsess about your product and would probably be diagnosed as a borderline obsessive compulsive disorder patient. Your friends think of you as having an addiction to your gadgets and secretly envy you for all the stuff you know about every new product before anyone else.

You are also known for strong opinions on different products; you scorn at the ones you dislike and can’t stop talking about those you love.At social gatherings, when you speak about how the world would be in the next few years, people listen. And never interrupt because they are in awe of your ability to imagine a new world. You can merge objectivity in analysis and also create an emotional connect to the user by speaking to them from your heart.

Fortunately for us, there is no University of Product Management where standard issue product managers are churned out every year. Because we don’t believe this is how the greatest products are ever built.

Be a Product Manager at Paytm!

Location: Noida


  • A Bachelor’s degree in Engineering
  • 5+ years of product management experience, with at least 1–3 years in the internet.

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