Beware of the Lifestyle Creep — Save with Paytm Gold on your Salary Day

Secure your savings with our ‘Make Your Salary Day a Savings Day’

Paytm Blog
2 min readJun 30, 2017


You’ve seen this happen to most of your friends. Their salary comes in, and suddenly, they’re a different person. Maybe it’s happened to you too. You’re finally making some money — you don’t want to live like a broke college student anymore. You decide to splurge just a bit now that you can afford the finer things in life, and on the third of the month you’re left with pennies.

Meet the monster responsible for this highly contagious financial phenomenon — The Lifestyle Creep.

Most recent photo of the savage Lifestyle Creep. #CuttingEdgeJournalism

So how can you use your money wisely to build wealth, while still getting to enjoy the perks of earning?

Keep it simple — Buy Paytm Gold from our ‘Make Your Salary Day a Savings Day’ campaign. Just scan the QR Code between 1st and 3rd of every month and earn up to Rs. 1,000 Gold Bonus.

Paytm Gold is fast emerging as the saving option of choice for thousands owing to the flexibility, security and transparency it offers. You can buy and store pure gold for as little as little as Re 1 of 24K 999.9 pure Gold from MMTC-PAMP, India’s only Internationally Accredited Refinery and store it in one of the country’s most secure, 100% insured vaults at zero extra cost.

Everybody who bought Paytm Gold on our platform loved the convenience — we have transacted over a quintal of gold since launch and are still witnessing 150% month-on-month surge in transaction volumes.

Remember, don’t let the lifestyle creep snatch your hard-earned money — save on your Salary Day only on Paytm .

