PTI Delegated Staking via

Published in
2 min readNov 25, 2019

In this article, we will tell you how to delegate PTI tokens when you don’t have enough CPU. For this you will need Scatter and

Firstly, log into using Scatter. If you are not sure how, please read the following article.

After you logged in, make sure that the Free CPU function is enabled.

You need to transfer tokens to ptimasternod first and then, delegate them.

  1. To complete a transfer, press Wallet.

2. Type in ptimasternod account, the amount, and click send.

3. Scatter will ask you to confirm the transaction. Press Allow.

4. After transaction is completed, proceed to Go to ptimasternod account page and select Contracts and Actions.

5. Select an action, in our case it is Stake. Enter your account’s name in From, type in the account you delegate to in Owner and the amount of tokens for staking in Quantity.

After a confirmation, success message should appear.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer them in our official chat.

