Welcome Brand New Paytomat

Published in
3 min readJan 24, 2019

We’re thrilled to announce some refreshments to our visual style.

Every product, sooner or later, is going through different essential stages in its development. Over the past month, we’ve been telling you how Paytomat has changed technically, how we’ve built our economic model and how we gradually gain our audience in various parts of the world. Today we’ll talk about our style because visual communication is one of the most critical components of the brand. Today we’re pleased to share a new Paytomat look with you.

Although Paytomat as a standalone brand appeared not so long ago (compared to large corporate giants), by 2019, it became clear that our visual style began to lag in dynamics compared to our development achievements. It became obvious, the bubbles, which is well known from our marketing materials, and the corporate red color needed a refreshment.

It’s likely that you may not see the strong changes at first, but they are still there — the color, the thickness of the outline, the font. In the new brand book, Paytomat becomes smarter and more dynamic. However, the new full logo is only the beginning. The most exciting starts after it.

For the basis of the old brand book, we choose multi-colored bubbles superimposed on each other. The circle was at the heart of the logo and was used as the basis for all our designs. The new Paytomat starts with a refreshed logo which more optimized for use in the digital environment and continues with additional elements — these are also circles (remember about the update instead of radical changes), but used unusually.

Overlapping each other horizontally or vertically, each group of rings represents a stylized swipe switcher familiar to every mobile user. This element aimed to message that thanks to Paytomat working with the crypto world are as comfortable as turn on some mode in your smartphone. It is enough to swipe the right that we offer you.

We’d be grateful if you share your opinions in the comments or our official channels. See you!

