How to Increase Website Readership

Lydia Priyadarshini
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2018

This is a re-post of an original blog post of PayUmoney blog.

Google today processes more than 40,000 searches every second which amounts to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches annually. This statistics clears that online visitors are endless and they are just a click away from visiting your web-page.

This massive audience base doesn’t have to pay in order to visit your website. All you have to do is showcase your website in front of their search queries. It makes readership quite crucial for your online business.

Building a strong readership comes with hard work and consistent effort. It is challenging but definitely rewarding. By devising correct strategies, you can successfully increase your readership and drive sales to your website.

However, you should not be implementing any magic formula circulating the internet. Your efforts must contribute positively to your search engine optimization. Don’t indulge in link building schemes or networks. Instead follow these simple steps which you can integrate to increase readership on your website:

Be Creative

Creative content is the most valuable driving force which can increase readership. Publish blogs which are creative and valuable. Even if your main purpose is to drive sales, don’t promote your product directly in every content piece. Instead try to create a knowledge and diversified pool.

Be Engaging

Engage your readers that boosts your website and thereby increasing readership. Try engaging your readers with contests, brain teasers and puzzles.

Be Consistent

Post content on regular basis as it keeps your readers interest alive. Also define ideal time and frequency of content publication. Frequent posting of content not only maintains relevancy but also enhances your search engine optimization. It refreshes your web-pages, thereby inviting Google Crawlers to your website more habitually.

Enhance with Multimedia

High definition and creative images increases the possibility of high readership. Multimedia images, videos and info-graphics helps in engagement.

Go Social

One of the most popular way to increase readership on your website is Social Media Marketing. Publish your content on social channels such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. With large customer base and easy-to-navigate interface social media can help in increasing readership.

Feed the Humming Bird

Humming Bird is the new algorithm where Google has been ranking synonyms in its search results. Don’t forget to optimize your content for synonyms. For example, if you search for Payment Solutions”, you will also see results for “Payment Processor”. Hence, include multiple synonyms of value prepositions which you are marketing across channels.

Diversified Content

Too much photos and videos can be bad for your website. Hence, try publishing diversified content such as articles, posts, offers, info-graphics etc. It keeps your reader’s interest as intact.

Also read Tips for Driving Free Traffic to your Website. Stay tuned with PayUmoney Knowledge platform and take your online business to next level.



Lydia Priyadarshini

Content writer @PayU India. Love travelling, shopping, music and reading!!