Low Cost Marketing Tips For Your Online Business

Kinjal Shah
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2018

This article is an original publication on PayUmoney blog. Please visit the marketing & payments rich blog now.

Marketing, as we know is a broader concept and consists of many different types of techniques. One of this technique, known as Guerilla Marketing is an ancient native to high levels of creativity and attractively. Take a look at a niche yet preferred technique you can use for your online business.

What does it mean?

The simplest way to answer this question would be: it’s a unique and interesting form to cater products and services to the audiences instead of using the expensive ways such as advertising.

Guerrilla marketing, like the famous guerrilla warfare in the history of mankind, proves to be extremely useful, victorious and attention seeking for all businesses especially startups. As its nature typically points out to high-cost effectivity requiring a low number of resources online. It includes:

  • Ambient
  • Viral or buzz
  • Experiential Marketing

Why Use Guerrilla Marketing?

Unconventional Advertising

Using mediums like newspaper, radio, TV and other traditional mediums for promotion is quite predictable. Audiences know that they are being advertised to. In contrast, guerrilla marketing is considered unconventional because the audiences don’t have the slightest idea of what they are being exposed to. It is unconventional in terms of look, feel, thoughts, ideas and above all experience. It’s a gentle way of selling your products to the people.

The tactics used here are extremely discreet and surprising. Hypothetically, if you were to scroll on a specific name on your Facebook profile and once done, a magical wand pops up and paints your screen with ribbons and stars. Surprising and different, right? That’s how Harry Potter celebrated its 20th birthday!

Image Source: The Verve

Creative Freedom

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Kinjal Shah

Content creator @PayUmoney, loves all things creative & a curious soul!