Paywall Finance — The Future of Global Investment Summits

PayWall Finance
3 min readApr 5, 2022


Drawing thousands of Global Investors has never been so effortless

Around the world, Global Investment Summits are constantly organized by many state and central governments with the objective to attract foreign investments and establish various industrial developments. They intend to create vast scope for technological and financial developments by inviting ardent global investors and presenting them with lots of opportunities and resources. Similar to the concept of Silicon Valley, that has turned the United States of America to be in the front seat and driving the global information economy in the last few decades, contributing to substantial GDP growth in the country’s economy.

Following the lead, many countries around the world attempted to mimic the formula, and none succeeded as much as the initiator. Even a few average successes faced loads of difficulties in bringing the right people to the right place for the right purpose together. Still, to successfully accomplish this endeavor, across the world many governments are organizing investment summits continuously. Are they really able to generate opportunities/investments as an outcome? Is their efforts and intention paid off?

Challenges for Governments

The real challenge lies in bringing the right business leaders, investors, corporations, thought leaders, policymakers, market analysts, and so on, under one roof, when they all come from different parts of the earth with varied time zones and thousands of miles apart.

Even when we manage to bring them all together, it is highly important that the organizer’s offerings and proposals align with the investor’s interest. When this is not aligned, then all the efforts go in vain.

Overcome the difficulties

To overcome this challenge, we need a solution that will guide us through the process of finding investors with interest, aligning with the context of the summit. How about a Condition based algorithm, that enables to the identification of the right candidates and extends the invitation. Thanks to the advent of web3, this can be achieved effortlessly and more efficiently with lesser financial impact.

This can be achieved by interpreting the digital finance status and ability of the investors. For example, the target investor profile should meet the threshold investment level of, say, $10 Billion, in their crypto wallet or should be the owner of Carbon Neutral NFTs. Deduction through this algorithm, the system will exclude the profiles that don’t fit the eligibility criteria of capacity to invest or inclination towards carbon emission projects.

The conditions are entirely custom-defined, and it can be set with any criteria such as a threshold net worth of $100Mn and having invested more than $10Mn in Curve for stable yield, etc., Based on the intent of the summit and target to achieve, the organizers/governments can easily define the expected profile of the investor and increase the success rate of the summit.

To set up the summit, all you need to do is to follow the steps,

  • Create a discord or telegram group for your summit
  • Create a bot that allows only Crypto billionaires to the group (by verifying their wallet based on the conditions created)
  • Ask people to join.

That’s it, you just created everything that was required for the Government-Investors Summit. All you need to do now is advertise the summit.

Paywall Finance

We at PayWall Finance, build end-to-end solutions for the crypto paywalls. You can spend as little as $100 and a few minutes to set up the infrastructure for the Government-Investors Summit.

With PayWall Finance, using a simple drag and drop tool, you can

  1. Create a set of rules (based on the on-chain data) for people to join
  2. Integrate the channel
    Example: Discord or Telegram or Google Sheet or API
  3. Start Advertising your Summit

You can use the same tool for any use case such as bootstrapping a DAO for Yield farmers.


When the whole world of possibilities is open, there will not be any reason why governments worldwide should not create their own Silicon Valley establishments, with the right tools and technology. PayWall Finance is ultimately helping to enable Governments, worldwide, to launch such initiatives and redefine their techno-economic climate for their people.

