PBY: Preface 1.4

PBY Book
Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2017

004— Excerpt from Purpose Built Young: A Guide to Pioneering Your Journey, buy a copy here.

Purpose Built Young (PBY)

If a man knows not what harbor he seeks, any wind is the right wind.


You were made to be best in the world at something. Your highest return on this earth is to give the deepest level of impact, to your sphere of influence through love and service. And, be able to maintain yourself despite the ebbs and flow of commissary life (normal, everyday living).

In the hardest seasons of life, the most important thing to keep is the first thing we let go of. We compromise on our values. When it comes to it, what you do matters. And, in retrospect, what you do is a reflection of who you are. The pressure builds, and we topple under the weight of our world. When we disrespect, cuss, complain, gossip, stop showing up, stop reading our Bible, sleep in, spend money recklessly, eat junk food, we give up on our most important value in this world.

Purpose Built Young is for young adults to leverage the strong desire to overcome life’s most crushing circumstances that keeps them from their dreams by detailing the most fundamental aspect of life — character.

Because God, and what the world asks of us is who you will become much more than what will you do.

The truth is that in every young adult I meet, nearly everyone struggles with little action on how to overcome the walls that blockade them from their goals. In turn, they have a passive belief system. Their hope has given up on their dreams. They sit and wait, watching Netflix, for the Lord to show up. When this happens their purpose is corrupted by fear. It’s like taking cheap bribes.

Your heart’s freedom is much more important than how people see you, what type of car you drive, and your accumulated wealth. That freedom is the way you will fulfill your purpose, achieve your goals, and live your dreams.

Enjoy this reading? This is an excerpt from my newest book, Purpose Built Young. Look for the newest article at the top of the publication.

Each day, we post a new section from the book. You can read the previous article here. And don’t forget to subscribe. Email me at diskander1@gmail.com if you have any questions/comments.

Medium: David Iskander
Instagram: Diskander
Website: DavidIskander.com

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