Can STEM Toys Make Your Kid a Computer Genius?

PC Magazine
Published in
12 min readJun 18, 2019

Parents encounter more STEM (science, tech, engineering, and math) toys each time they shop for their children. Here’s what we know about these expensive toys and whether they can inspire your kids.

By Troy Dreier

Lego Boost Creative Toolbox (Alesia Kan/

STEM toys” are meant to encourage children to develop their skills in the key disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and shoppers are seeing more and more of them on digital shelves. But many parents wonder whether these toys really deliver on their promises.

Can a toy that teaches simple coding concepts really create a computer genius? Can a robotics toy inspire a future scientist who will change the world—or, at least, make a really good living? Or are STEM toys just the pricey result of marketing hype?

In talking to numerous experts, we didn’t uncover any stats about the long-term efficacy of these toys—the field is just too new. But we did learn about the standards, rigor, and testing that go into creating them. And we have some advice for shoppers.

We also spoke to a parent who has direct experience with STEM toys. Joey Fortuna is a programmer and the CTO of j2 Global (PCMag’s parent company). He’s given his two children, now 8 and 10, multiple STEM toys over the years, and he’s observed that sometimes, toys with educational ambitions can simply bore kids.

Modular Robotics Cubelets

Take Modular Robotics Cubelets, which let you create robotics projects using magnetically connectable cubes. “The idea is that you … string together a bunch of cubes in a different configuration, and you have something that can move and detect obstacles or make sounds,” Fortuna says. “In reality, the range of things you can do with it is so limited, the conceptual hurdle to get to the point where you coax any sort of convincing or interesting behavior out of it is so large, that they quickly lost interest.”

The STEM toys that worked best for his kids, Fortuna found, were the ones that had clear directions and quick successes at the beginning to get them hooked.

Curiously, what Fortuna experienced as a problem-open-ended play and repeated failures-is an intentional part of many companies’ STEM play-product strategies, which highlights the challenge of creating educational toys. The STEM toy area is new, and there isn’t much expertise to fall back on. Which lessons need to be taught and the best ways to teach them are still unclear. And how much any of it pays off in future careers for the kids who play with these toys remains to be seen.

From Idea to Reality

The term STEM became an academic concept decades ago but developed during classroom curriculum planning in the 1990s. The urgency of getting kids interested in the sciences increased in the 2000s, and at some point, an A was added for “arts” to become STEAM.

Although it’s hard to say what the first STEM toy was, Deb Weber, Ph.D., a director of early childhood development at Fisher-Price (owned by Mattel), believes her company created the first ones in 1994 when it partnered with Compaq on computer peripherals designed for 3- to 5-year-olds, including a keyboard and a car dashboard. But Weber says that as far as today’s STEM products are concerned, the idea of science learning toys bubbled up from academia around 2010, and toy makers started releasing STEM toys soon after.

Fisher-Price Code-a-Pillar

Fisher-Price’s big entry in the STEM-toy era was the Code-a-Pillar, released in 2016. This hit toy taught the basic concept of programming by having kids add links to the Code-a-Pillar’s body to create a sequence of movements. Putting steps in the correct sequence let the toy caterpillar accomplish a goal.

It wasn’t enough for Fisher-Price to put Code-a-Pillar on the market and hope kids learned from it. The company partnered with the Bay Area Discovery Museum in San Francisco to create lesson plans for teachers and a related curriculum to help bring the toy into classrooms, and offered play tips to parents.

Fisher-Price Rocktopus

A few years later, Fisher-Price had another hit with Rocktopus, a friendly octopus that teaches the sounds of different instruments and shows how to create a rhythm. It also includes a math mode that teaches addition and subtraction. Rocktopus is definitely a fun toy (even for adults), but how can parents be sure this or any other STEM toy actually teaches STEM concepts?

“I think that the true test is if children can articulate back to the parents how to use the toy and what the toy is all about,” Weber says. Is the child getting something from the toy or simply having a good time with shapes and sounds? Parents just need to ask.

Teach the Children Well

Selling learning toys to today’s parents is a no-brainer. What parent doesn’t want to give their kids an edge, especially in science and engineering? Consider how parents flocked to Baby Einstein learning videos for infants and toddlers a decade ago. The product line became a multimillion-dollar business virtually overnight-but then a 2010 study showed the videos didn’t actually improve language development. Disney (the brand’s owner at the time) offered parents a refund.

So is STEM Baby Einstein 2.0? How can parents tell which products making STEM claims are worthwhile? Some are very expensive, but are they worth the cost?

One organization that’s been paying attention to this category is The Toy Association, an industry trade group. But paying attention isn’t easy, because there are no established criteria for what makes a STEM toy. Toy makers are free to use the term for any toy they like.

“It’s been happening for a few years now, and more and more toy companies are starting to look at it and embrace it, and in some cases, label it,” says Ken Seiter, EVP of marketing communications for The Toy Association. “Unfortunately, [they] label it without clear criteria of what makes a toy STEM.”

Toy makers tend to group STEM toys into categories, including puzzles, science kits, electronics construction sets, coding toys, robotics, and logic and problem-solving games. Hoping to fill the information vacuum, The Toy Association created a set of guidelines for members on creating STEM toys, scheduled to be published this year. Among its list of questions are these: “Does this product get kids thinking about STEM subjects? Does this product feel fun for the kids? Does this toy encourage brain play by calling for problem-solving, critical thinking, or reasoning?”

In the absence of hard data, The Toy Association recently surveyed parents to find out what they expect from a STEM toy. For anyone who thinks today’s kids are over-programmed and overscheduled, this survey confirms their fears. For instance, STEM toys are often purchased by parents who see them as the first step to a lucrative career in engineering or science for their child; parents say five-and-a-half is the ideal age to introduce kids to STEM toys; 75 percent want their kids to work in a STEM career; and 9 out of 10 say it’s important to foster STEM skills.

“Parents know STEM/STEAM skills are key to their child’s success and overwhelmingly want their child to end up in a STEM career. The majority acknowledge that toys are the primary way to encourage these skill sets,” the report says.

The impulse to buy STEM toys seems much like the drive to get a child into a competitive preschool. Parents want to give their children every advantage, and that means planning their career development from a young age.

“They want to make sure they’re giving their children the best guidance and the best background and support that they can so they can compete in, really, a global world,” Seiter says.

To get an idea of what parents look for in STEM toys, take a look at our survey results below.

Building Blocks

Another toy giant releasing STEM products is Lego, which found huge success with its Mindstorms line of engineering and robotics toys. Mindstorms debuted in 1998, well before the STEM trend, but the company has been quick to adopt the acronym.

Lego Education Spike Prime

Marianne Nytoft Bach led the team that created Lego Education Spike Prime, a new product for middle schoolers. Here’s how she defines STEAM: “I think it should always combine science, technology, engineering, art, and math. So it should always be something that is broader than just one subject area, you could say. And then it should be challenging the kid or the student in a way that makes them use all their senses or all their skills.” STEAM toys should be open-ended, she adds, posing a challenge but letting children create their own answers.

Lego develops its toys by first deciding what it wants to teach, then having cross-functional teams-which include teachers, concept designers, digital experience managers, and model builders-brainstorm on it. When it’s time to create school lesson plans (many Mindstorm kits are sold to schools), the company bases its projects on standards defined by the NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards) and CSTA (Computer Science Teachers Association). Lego is one of the companies that promote STEAM rather than STEM, so how does it fold art into its engineering and robotics toys? It includes mini-figures to encourage storytelling. And you thought they were just for fun.

The company sees variety as important in its lesson plans, so it offers projects with a range of lengths. At one end are small models, which can be knocked out in 10 or 15 minutes. That fits well into a daily class schedule and gives kids a sense of accomplishment. At the other end are giant team builds. These larger, more structured projects avoid the situation where some kids are building and others are only looking on-everyone plays a role. And because not every teacher is a science whiz, Lego keeps lesson plans easy. Getting tech into the classroom shouldn’t be a chore.

Small Companies With a Big Footprint

While larger companies such as Mattel and Lego can put resources into testing, smaller companies have to work by informed intuition. Take Cubelets (one of the toys that didn’t engage Joey Fortuna’s children): They were developed as part of CEO Eric Schweikardt’s Carnegie Mellon Ph.D. dissertation, which looked at creating software models with 3D parts. The initial idea wasn’t to create a toy, but it led to Cubelets.

This is a premium-priced toy-introductory home sets go for $140 or $250, and expansion packs cost over $100-and is largely used in the classroom. According to company marketing manager Stu Barwick, classes in all 50 states and several countries use Cubelets.

Before teachers can teach kids how to use Cubelets, they need to learn themselves, which is why the company created a variety of training programs and online videos. There’s even a Parents Play Guide that helps parents create robotics challenges for their kids.

What Cubelets doesn’t have is any testing behind it. Teachers recommend it by word-of-mouth because they see students begin to understand engineering and robotics, but there are no numbers to back up its success yet.

“Putting things that fascinate kids in front of them and giving them an imaginative tool, a way of creating what might not be accessible to them in any other way, can open patterns of thought and a desire to push further. Cubelets abstracts away some of the hard part, the need to learn how to code before you can actually build a robot, for example, or the need to know a little bit of electrical engineering, like soldering and how to build a circuit, in order to build a physical robot,” Barwick says. “Our hope is that by creating those exposure opportunities for kids, that creates patterns that will hopefully continue as they start to grow up and allow them to feel more comfortable with the challenge of exploring robotics or computer science.”

LittleBits has a similar feel to Cubelets: It also uses small electronics components that snap together magnetically to create a variety of projects and sells at around $100, with plenty of expansion sets available. And it also has roots in academia. LittleBits CEO Ayah Bdeir got the idea for her company as a student in the MIT Media Lab. She wanted to create building blocks to make technology more accessible.

littleBits Code Kit

Citing stats from a Common Sense report, Dave Sharp, senior product design manager at LittleBits, notes that 97 percent of teens use some kind of media during the day, but only 3 percent of their time on digital devices is devoted to creating content. “We’re really about reaching those 97 percent of the kids and empowering them to also be creators and inventors and problem solvers using technology,” he says.

The company has kits for kids in grade school and middle school and has scored hits with licensing partnerships. It created a Star Wars kit that let kids build their own droid and an Avengers kit that let them make a power glove.

As with Lego, toy creation at LittleBits starts by determining learning goals. Relying on standards set by the NGSS and the CSTA, team members decide what they want children to learn, then think of activities to teach those lessons. They bring kids into their Manhattan office for weekly play-testing and consult with an advisory panel of teachers.

Working directly with kids taught LittleBits a lot about how to appeal to young minds. For example, kids didn’t want to build the company’s hot-potato project because it didn’t sound fun, although they enjoyed the game when it was presented to them. But when the company turned that hot potato into a large spider with an ominously ticking heartbeat, kids were suddenly interested.

The company has also learned how to make concepts easily explainable. “We’ll develop a lot of different versions and give them to kids because we don’t want them to have to read in the instruction manual to figure out how a bit works,” Sharp says. “Because adults don’t read the instruction manuals, let alone kids.”

So Do STEM Toys Work?

Not everyone agrees that learning toys are a great idea, and that includes Ken Seiter from The Toy Association. A former educational psychologist, he finds the mania for early childhood development “crazy.” Some kids like the chemistry set, and some like the box it comes in, he says. Either way, they’re playing and exploring their world. STEM toys can be part of healthy childhood development, but they should only be a part.

For parents, making a STEM purchase is an act of hope, but buying decisions don’t have to be made in the dark. Read reviews and understand how a toy tries to teach. Think about where your children’s interests lie; it’s easier to feed an existing interest than invent a new one. Talk to your children’s teachers for ideas on what is likely to stimulate the imagination. And bear in mind that these toys are designed to be challenging, so be prepared to play with your kids, keeping them motivated during rough patches, asking questions, taking their lead, and never giving too much assistance.

“I think it’s okay maybe to sit back and let kids play,” Seiter says. “Let kids get involved in different types of activities. Let them play with different types of toys, different play. Our research shows that the balance of play, all different types of play, digital as well like outdoor as well as manipulative, all provide the greatest benefit. I feel it would be nice to relax and see where the kids are moving first before giving them very strict direction on where they should be headed.”

Originally published at on June 17, 2019.

