Feel-Good Movies and Shows to Watch During Your Coronavirus Quarantine

PC Magazine
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2020

Pandemic, Contagion, and Outbreak are atop the digital movie charts. Don’t do that to yourself. Instead, choose one or all of these upbeat films and TV shows.

By Chandra Steele

If you’ve come here to read this, I’m guessing you’re not one of the people who was pushing movies like Pandemic and Outbreak to the top of Netflix’s most-watched list last week. Or maybe you did watch them and now need some counter-programming during your COVID-19 quarantine. This list of feel-good films and shows is designed to add some variety to the scary suggestions that streaming services are offering up.

If You’re on a Fitness Kick

With weeks indoors ahead, achieving “summer bod” is not at the top of a lot of to-do lists. But exercise with workout apps and fitness equipment is a huge stress reliever. If you need inspiration or motivation to continue on a path you’re already on, try these.

If Cooking Has Become Your Stress Relief

My Twitter feed is full of people baking focaccia. This might be you or you could be the type who just likes to watch. Either way, bon appetit.

If You Need to See Other Parts of the World

The entire world is coming to a halt, so travel is not on anyone’s schedule right now. You can still visit places you’ve been or want to go on your screen, though.

If You Need to Know That It May Take Some Time But Good Things Will Happen

These are undoubtedly tough times on a personal and global level. As my Headspace app tells me every day, nothing is permanent.

If You Could Use a Hero

Now is the time to look to two great Americans for advice: Mister Rogers and Mariah Carey. The first said, “Look for the helpers,” and there are definitely lots of those right now. The second told us, “The hero lies in you.” The good news is that you can be both a helper and a hero by sitting at home and watching these heroes.

If You Want to Make It Fashion

You’re in sweats, and the Met Gala is canceled, but fashion lives on here. [Also at Amazon Prime, with “Making the Cut,” Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn’s new show—Ed.]

If Your Kids Have Asked to Watch Frozen II Again

Have you gone into the unknown too many times? Animated films are fun for adults, too.

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

