Feeling Blue? This AI Will Text You a Confidence-Building Pick-Me-Up

PC Magazine
Published in
6 min readMar 12, 2019
Blue Fever co-founders Lauren Tracy and Greta McAnany

SMS your #mood, and Blue Fever’s AI responds with video texts intended to lift your spirits and build confidence. We spoke with co-founders Lauren Tracy and Greta McAnany.

By S.C. Stuart

In the days before the internet, emo teens retreated to bedrooms, put the needle on the vinyl, and listened to The Smiths (or whatever got you through the night). But now, staring at the ceiling or scribbling in a journal is replaced by a constant stream of carefully curated social media feeds, which can be confusing for teens in that tricky developmental stage of identity formation.

Can technology, the very thing contributing to these feelings of inadequacy and FOMO, help young people cope? At PCMag, we’ve tested a few emotionally aware concepts, from the listening network 7 Cups and an AI trained on relationship drama to Facebook Messenger and cartoon penguin therapists.

More recently, we checked out Blue Fever, a service that sends mood-mending video texts on demand. A Techstars graduate, Blue Fever is currently part of USC’s Viterbi Startup Garage, an early-stage incubator for deep technology and AI-enabled companies.

Here’s how Blue Fever works: Once you’ve signed up, all you do is SMS your #mood to the service, and its AI tries to get you back on track with funny, empowering, enlightening, or just downright mad moments. We tried it, and it’s like having a friend (with some serious machine learning in its non-bio-based cortex) who doesn’t mind being bothered with your stuff at 4 a.m.

We spoke with co-founders Lauren Tracy and Greta McAnany to find out more. Here are edited and condensed excerpts from our conversation.

Lauren and Greta, what’s the concept behind Blue Fever?
[GM] Over the past few years, we’d both noticed that the internet is moving from search-based retrieval, then social media browsing, to a more self-medicating, always-on consumption experience. We all spend hours binging on Netflix or mindlessly scrolling through our IG feeds, but this behavior isn’t conscious. We’re all looking for something, but not finding it.

[LT] So we wanted to build an AI platform that provides an on-demand emotionally satisfying solution. Especially to underserved audiences, like teens and young women, who really need positive images to build confidence.

[GM] We launched in June 2017, pivoted our business model and focus through incubation at Techstars, and are now building out our product, platform, and growing the audience.

Blue Fever is a personal AI that delivers cool content?
[GM] Yes. And the emphasis is on “personal” — not “personalized” — that’s an important distinction. Browsers can track my cookies and see what I’m watching, buying, or doing, and target ads at me. But that’s not really personal.

Good point. The ads Google serves to me make me laugh (mostly). But when I tried out Blue Fever, I texted my #mood (#meh, as it happened to be) and got something which did, in fact, make me smile.
[LT] And you didn’t have to search for it. Blue Fever’s AI knows what to serve up.

An empathetic but not a therapy AI?
[GM] Right. Because, sure, Blue Fever might be therapeutic, but we’re not building a therapy tool. Our empathetic AI is more like a good, slightly older friend who curates the internet for you, based on your self-reported emotional state.

Explain how you’re training the Blue Fever AI algorithm.
[LT] We looked at whether we wanted to pull from other models, other curation types, particularly from other industries like music, gaming, movies. Then we realized that we needed to build our own.

[GM] Mostly because so much of the work done to date isn’t aimed at our primary audience due to input bias.

[LT] Right. Our Blue Fever formula is conversational AI, scaled off of the Dialogflow platform, developed at Google. We started with human-to-human interaction, feeding the neural net with IRL messaging, chat, talk, responses; teaching the AI the right 13- to 20-year-old female vernacular, and letting it learn from there.

Authenticity is key. When I interviewed Stanford professor Dr. Alison Darcy, founder of Woebot, she talked about “feeding” her AI on geek speak like Doctor Who and Battlestar Galactica so 20-something young males could relate.
[GM] Absolutely. Our value system is built entirely on the trust of our users. We don’t have a product without that.

[LT] The technology enables us to build this trust, but it learns from human input and is constantly undergoing validation.

Your AI platform is “human-in-the-loop” then? Constantly monitored by bio-based beings to make sure Blue Fever is communicating properly?
[LT] Actually, instead of “human-in-the-loop AI,” we call it “Hai” [for] human artificial intelligence.

You incubated Blue Fever at Techstars. What did you learn most there about running a startup?
[GM] Techstars was a real turning point for us as entrepreneurs. I like to say we went in as “media founders,” because our original business model was about creating content, but we emerged from Techstars as true tech founders. Our mentors there, particularly Anna Barber [Managing Director, Techstars LA], kept hammering this message home to us: “Think about the problem in a new way, use tech to solve it.”

[LT] So we did. And by the time we left Techstars, we’d evolved Blue Fever from a content play into a messaging platform with an AI component. We were in Anna’s first cohort of early stage companies, and she treated like us tech entrepreneurs from day one. “You have a clear grasp of the problem, and a vision for how to solve it, and I’m going to bet on you,” [she said]. Her attitude made all the difference.

Aside from your support from USC Viterbi Startup Garage, who are your investors and what was it about your elevator pitch that they really got?
[GM] We have several early-stage investors. When Jesse Draper, founding partner of Halogen Ventures, heard our pitch about delivering personal messaging using AI, she said, “You’re going to fix the problems in the media industry, I’m in.” Another big supporter is BlueRun Ventures. They liked our approach towards Gen Z, and their emotional lives. Their feedback was along the lines of: “We see these two founders and they’re passionate and hungry. We’re going to back them.”

How much did they give you, and what’s your revenue model?
[LT] We’re not ready to talk numbers yet. We will — hopefully in Q1 2020. Right now, we’re focusing on scaling up the product and getting it right.

Can you share sign-up figures, or is too early for that too?
[GM] What we can say, right now, is we’ve got users in all 50 states and have handled a volume of 3 million messages via our platform.

Short-form content is becoming a “thing” in Hollywood now, not just inside YouTube. According to sources, Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman are looking to spend $1 billion on “bite-sized” items by 2025 at Quibi.
[GM] The transition makes sense. Our lives have changed as services have become automated. For example, I used to drive everywhere, now I use rideshare. I used to cook, now I get delivery. We’re left with small moments which are perfect for short-form content.

[LT] Which makes it even more important to have those small content moments curated especially for you, and for how you’re feeling.

Are you expanding your core product to go further than teens/young women?
[GM] Not right now. But that is the eventual goal. We are focused on building this for young women because they’re underserved with good, confidence-building, mood-mending content right now. And, as a business we want to start with a clear target market to differentiate ourselves.

Finally, what’s next for you?
[LT] We’re heading to SXSW soon to speak on a panel on the tech, industry and enterprise track [on March 9]. [We’ve been before but] this is our first time going as “tech co-founders.”

[GM] Which feels really cool.

Read more: “How to KonMari Your Way to a Happier Digital Life

Originally published at www.pcmag.com.

