How Technology Can Help (and Hurt) Your Sleep

PC Magazine
Published in
8 min readApr 21, 2020

Has the COVID-19 pandemic thrown your sleep into disarray? Learn how tracking your sleep and changing your habits, especially those surrounding your devices with screens, can help you get more shut-eye throughout the week.

By Jill Duffy

Last year, I began wearing a fitness tracker to bed regularly. I was curious about my sleep data and charts. Were they accurate? At what time did I go into deep sleep cycles? After analyzing the results, I noticed a pattern that helped me change a habit and so that I could sleep up to two more hours per week than before. I’ll explain how in a moment.

I should mention that I work remotely and have for several years. That means I don’t have a regular morning commute, and I have some flexibility in my schedule. If you’re unexpectedly working from home now during the novel coronavirus pandemic, you may find that your natural sleep cycle is disturbed both by the new shelter-in-disruptions to your usual and by stress. You may, however, also find that you’re in a position to have more flexibility in your schedule and thus focus on making adjustments to your sleep.

Technology doesn’t have the best reputation when it comes to sleep. Blue light from screens mimics natural sunlight and can prevent us from falling asleep. It does this by tricking the body into suppressing melatonin production. When the sun is up, we don’t produce melatonin, which is one of several triggers that helps put us to sleep. Some people are more strongly influenced by blue light at night than others.

If you keep a smartphone by your bedside and don’t put on do-not-disturb mode, buzzing notifications can wake you up unexpectedly. Plus, always-on work culture and the flood of information from social media and the internet can create extra anxiety that affects sleep quality.

Not all technology is bad for sleep. Tech products for improving sleep can lead to more and better quality sleep. For these technologies to be useful, you need to know a little about what does and does not work when it comes to changing sleep patterns.

How I Got More Sleep Per Week

Last year, as I mentioned, I started wearing a Fitbit Charge 3 to bed. Usually, I remove trackers and watches at bedtime, but it had been a while since I’d collected my sleep data.

The Charge 3 not only monitors how many hours and minutes I spend in my bed, but how much time I sleep. To be honest, I don’t believe the Fitbit numbers are highly accurate, but I do believe they’re consistent. So if one night I get seven hours of sleep and another I get six-and-half, I trust that one night I slept more and one night less, regardless of the raw numbers.

Here’s the pattern I noticed: When I get into bed before 10 p.m., I sleep significantly more (at least 20 minutes, but sometimes an hour) than on nights when I stay up past 10. Whenever I stay up later, something always seems to occupy my attention until at least 10:30. I never go to bed at 10:05 or 10:10. It’s either before 10 or after 10:30. Now that I’ve noticed this pattern, I have a clear reason to hit the hay slightly earlier.

Over the course of a week, an extra 20 minutes per night adds up to around two hours more sleep. That’s a huge difference.

When Is Your Sleep Window?

The total amount of sleep a person needs depends on the individual. The time they can fall asleep and when their body is ready to wake up are also specific to each person. For example, I had no problem getting into bed before 10 p.m. and falling asleep within minutes. Some people find it very hard to zonk out that early. Plus, when we fall asleep and wake up and the total number of hours we need to sleep change as we age.

Teenagers, for example, stay up later than any other demographic. They sleep longer than most adults. Sometime in their 20s, most people’s sleep windows shift. They start needing to go to bed earlier, and they don’t sleep for as long. As a teenager, you might have gone to bed at 1 a.m. and needed 10 hours of sleep. As an adult in your early 30s, you might fall asleep at 11 p.m. and need only 7 hours. These behaviors have nothing to do with teenagers acting out and everything to do with their chronobiology.

Listening to Our Internal Clock

Chronobiology is the study of internal clocks. Nearly all life forms have some kind of internal clock that syncs up with the 24-hour cycle of light and darkness on Earth. Morning glories don’t bloom at midnight and most adult humans (when they haven’t artificially influenced their internal clock too much) have a hard time falling asleep at 3:00 in the afternoon.

Chronobiology is fascinating stuff, and I’m over-simplifying it. Just know that when and how long you sleep has a lot to do with the cells in your body, not just the habits you choose. You can see it in this common dilemma: You want to get more sleep. You read advice telling you to go to bed earlier and observe a consistent bedtime. When you get into bed earlier, however, you simply cannot fall asleep at that time. Not everyone has that reaction, but some people do.

Block Blue Light, But Also Get More Sunlight

Part of the problem is you might be trying to fall asleep at an hour when your internal body clock thinks it’s time to be awake. Another possibility, however-and these aren’t mutually exclusive-is that you have influenced your internal body clock to be later than it normally would be.

Exposure to blue light in the evening can influence your clock in this way. Equally important, however, a lack of natural light during the day can screw with your internal clock, too. So to make sure your clock ticks with nature, you might have to suppress blue light at night as well as get some exposure to sunlight during the day.

How do you suppress blue light? It’s easier than ever.

One thing you can do is get glasses that block blue light. Additionally, on many devices you can enable a setting that filters out blue light without having to buy a screen cover or special glasses. In iOS and macOS, for instance, look for the setting called Night Shift. If you use Android, your options depend on the version of the OS and the hardware you’re using. Look for a setting called Blue Light Filter. If you don’t have it or use a different operating system, this article on blocking blue light has more detailed instructions and advice.

Moving to sunlight, have you done anything to increase your exposure to natural light during the day? According to the book Internal Time: Chronotypes, Social Jet Lag, and Why You’re So Tired (by Till Roenneberg, 2012), spending two hours or more outdoors per day may help people sleep up to an hour more at night. “Instead of being afraid of light at night, we should pay more attention to the fact that we, as industrialized beings, expose ourselves to far too little light during the day,” Roenneberg says.

While you can buy a desktop lamp that replicates sunlight, experts suggest you should only use one under the guidance of a human chronobiologist to make sure you’re getting the right amount of light at the right time of day. Otherwise, stick to going outdoors more. Even on a cloudy day, you get much more exposure to natural light than if you are inside. If you can walk or bicycle for part of your commute or go outside during a break, the light exposure very well may help you fall asleep at the right time of night.

What Else Affects Your Ability to Sleep Well?

What else can influence your ability to sleep sufficiently and well?

Sleep environment is one. Environment in this context means the room temperature, noise, darkness level, and other physical factors.

Sleep equipment generally refers to the bed, pillow, blankets, and sheets. How can you sleep well if they are uncomfortable?

Caffeine, like many other factors that influence sleep, affects some people more than others. Keep in mind that caffeine can crop up in some sneaky places, such as over-the-counter medications. Two pills of Bayer Back & Body contain about the same amount of caffeine as an espresso (about 65mg). One Midol Complete contains 60mg of caffeine.

Alcohol makes people sleepy, right? While it can, it also has the power to disrupt sleep, making people wake up during the night or earlier in the morning than they would like.

Exercise, diet, body temperature, soreness/pain, stress, and allergies can affect sleep, too. Changing some of these factors takes long-term commitment. Using a top fitness app can help, and you might also consider a meditation app to help relieve stress. There’s a home remedy about putting your feet in a hot bath before bedtime so that the body can experience a cooling down effect; although at least one study has shown it doesn’t make a difference.

Sleep Well, Friends!

When people ask me how I sleep as well as I do, I sometimes jokingly say, “Clear conscience.” In all seriousness, a lot of it comes down to chronobiology. There are things we can do to better listen to our chronobiology and prevent it from getting tripped up by the modern world. Blocking blue light at night helps, as does getting sunlight exposure during the day. Creating a comfortable sleep environment with good sleep equipment helps, too. Exercise and overall health and wellness play their part as well.

If you can track your sleep, analyze the data, and make some adjustments, you may be able to find ways to get a little more sleep that work for you.

Some information in this article comes from previous conversations with Prof. Martha Merrow, director of the Institute of Medical Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich; Prof. Till Roenneberg also of the Institute of Medical Psychology at the Ludwig Maximilian University; and Dr. Robert Oexman, director of the Sleep to Live Institute.

Originally published at

