I’ve Been a Star Wars Fan For Decades: Here’s Why I’m Done

PC Magazine
Published in
10 min readMay 11, 2022
Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm

The Force is no longer strong in me, thanks to Disney and EA.

By Will Greenwald

Sadly, I think I’m done with Star Wars. And if you knew me “back in the day,” you’d know how much that means.

I was a hardcore Star Wars fan through the 90s and early aughts. I played the games, read the novels, and served as vice admiral in a TIE Fighter fan fleet online (shoutouts to any remaining Star Vipers). Even with the arrival of the prequel trilogy and its terrible aesthetics, I still loved the original trilogy and the Expanded Universe around it. I collected helmets and lightsaber props (both Master Replicas and Hasbro ForceFX and third-party lightsabers from UltraSabers), and thoroughly enjoyed Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.

I even liked Star Wars: The Last Jedi, even if it was structurally flawed, and was excited to visit Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge in a Disney park before the pandemic chilled my enthusiasm on that. I was a Star Wars nerd.

Now I don’t really feel anything for Star Wars. It was some great movies and video games, but I’m just not a fan anymore, and I think I can explain why.

Destroying the Jedi in the Prequels

I really liked the Star Wars Expanded Universe (EU), and for a long time, I thought my cooling down on Star Wars was because Disney declared it non-canon. The books, comics, and games all varied wildly in quality, but some excellent storytelling and world-building really fleshed out a fictional universe that, while visually striking and with some strong tentpole concepts, really wasn’t developed particularly well in the films. (If you ever read some of George Lucas’ original ideas for Star Wars, you might be thankful for that).

The Knights Who Suck (Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm)

That might be part of it, but now that the sequel trilogy is “complete,” I can confidently say that what really turned me off of Star Wars was not what was left out, but what was filled in. It started in the prequels, where the vaunted Jedi were revealed to be ineffectual religious zealots who basically served as a semi-detached paramilitary organization that brainwashed children. Despite what haters of The Last Jedi might think, the image of the Jedi as these legendary paragons of virtue implied in the original trilogy wasn’t destroyed by a disaffected Luke Skywalker throwing away a lightsaber. It was ruined years before on Coruscant.

In the prequels, the Jedi were still depicted as heroic figures who served the greater good, fighting for peace and justice across the Republic. At least, that’s what they were supposed to be. Then Anakin showed up, and the Jedi botched his life from the moment he met Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. They find this brilliant, Force-sensitive child in the desert, who could help them accomplish their mission, and they take him away to train to be a Jedi Knight. They leave behind his mother, who’s a literal chattel slave, which they can’t do anything about because it’s legal on Tatooine. And the next time Anakin sees his mother is never, because she’s sold to a family (who later raises Luke) and then killed by Tusken Raiders. That’s really dramatic and tragic for Anakin’s story, but it makes the Jedi look beyond useless.

The Jedi Council then further screws things up by vacillating on what exactly Anakin should be to the Jedi because of a prophecy and his potential, while trying and failing to instill fanatical rejection of personal attachments. Meanwhile, they’re blind to the Sith Lord literally running the Republic and are completely useless at stopping him, and their screwups push Anakin into that Sith Lord’s arms. Again, this totally sets up the state of the world in the original trilogy, but again it destroys the idea of the Jedi as heroes. The stories Obi-Wan told Luke were lies, and not just about his father. This undermines Luke’s entire journey of becoming a Jedi Knight. The Jedi as a whole are supposed to be the keystone of the Star Wars universe, idealized space wizards who solve problems for the good of everyone. In reality, they kind of suck and have always sucked.

RIP Shmi (Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm)

The Jedi as an ossified group that was blind to the inevitable end it was facing is a great story to tell, but it was told poorly in the prequel trilogy, and it tainted the concept of the Jedi for me. That’s not even going into Odan-Urr’s awful revised Jedi Code around 5,000 BBY that laid the groundwork for the idiotically detached Jedi and completely reversed the original Jedi Code that emphasized balance over stillness, but again, that’s EU/Legends and me going Star Wars turbo-dork in regards to fictional philosophy.

The Awful Sequels (Not The Last Jedi)

Everyone, including myself, was excited when news of a new trilogy of Star Wars movies was announced. Now that all three have come out, I’m not sure anyone is happy with the story that was told. And that problem started with its first step, in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I’m fine with stories echoing each other and rhyming like poetry, but this was a shameless retread that mirrored the beats in A New Hope so completely that it failed to offer anything new. Desert-bound youth looking for a purpose? Check. Realization of a mythical legacy as a Jedi? Check. Galaxy held captive by a tyrannical government? Check (and wow, does that just poison any satisfaction of the end of Return of the Jedi). Said government building a super-weapon that can destroy planets? Check. Masked villain who kills someone who was close to him? Check.

It did nothing new, and jumping directly into an ineffectual New Republic with a First Order already spreading fascism across the galaxy again soured the original trilogy by undermining the victory it presented.

And then he was cut in half, but it didn’t matter because he was a clone. (Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm)

With that souring in mind, I actually enjoyed Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It’s a rough movie with pacing issues and some unnecessary narrative tangents that didn’t quite thematically land, but it was interesting and felt like a natural extension of the near hopelessness of The Force Awakens. Of course Luke’s a disillusioned hermit. Of course Leia is struggling and failing to keep everything together. Of course the First Order has basically destroyed the Republic at this point. We were introduced to a Star Wars world where all the good that was done in the original trilogy turned out not to matter, and things were as bad or worse than before.

For all the joking about The Last Jedi subverting expectations for its own sake and telling a story Star Wars fans didn’t want, it narratively and thematically made sense from what it was building on after The Force Awakens. And it made the climax and what it could mean for the series genuinely exciting. Kylo Ren is as done with the Sith as he is with the Jedi and wants Rey to join him in building a completely new order? He kills the extremely Palpatine-like leader of the First Order with no problem, resulting in a power vacuum that could bring the galaxy in some new and interesting directions? Luke accepts both his mistakes and the value of what he believed in, even if those beliefs were built on lies, and steps aside to let this new future happen? That’s awesome.

And you only would have learned this yourself if you played Fortnite. (Photo: Disney/Lucasfilm)

So, in The Rise of Skywalker, that flies out the window, the First Order is now run directly by a reborn Palpatine (whose existence was revealed in a freaking Fortnite event!), Kylo Ren is still serving him, and once again we’re pulled back into a naked story of good versus evil—with little to make it interesting besides Ren’s very Vader-like (but admittedly better-developed) change of heart. And the film basically retreads Return of the Jedi, but in a poorly paced, meandering way. The Star Wars galaxy could have become much more interesting. Instead, it settled into telling the same story again, but worse.

EA’s Battlefront Botch

LucasArts put out so many fantastic Star Wars games throughout the 90s and aughts. Yes, it pushed out a lot of Star Wars shovelware, too (who wanted Super Bombad Racing?), but there were a dozen gems over a dozen years. X-Wing. TIE Fighter. Dark Forces. Jedi Knight. Rogue Squadron. Rogue Leader. Knights of the Old Republic. Battlefront. These games were part of the reason I became so obsessed with Star Wars in the first place.

Then Disney effectively closed LucasArts and gave exclusive rights to make Star Wars games to EA. The flood of Star Wars games flowed to a trickle, and the absolute bangers simply stopped. Star Wars: The Old Republic is a surprisingly good MMO, though it’s no KOTOR, and Fallen Order’s really good, but they don’t make up for the two-fisted debacle of Battlefront and Battlefront II.

The original Star Wars: Battlefront and Battlefront II were fantastic multiplayer shooters developed by Pandemic Studios that came out in the mid-aughts. They were fast, exciting, filled with variety in factions and classes, and (this is the most important part) they were games you could simply buy and play.

EA’s Dice-developed Battlefront games also had strong mechanics, and eventually got loads of content. You could also purchase them at retail, for the standard $59.99 at launch. The problem was what came after you spent your money.

The first EA Battlefront was simply empty at launch. It just didn’t have much to it, and it lacked any single-player story campaign like the Pandemic Battlefront games had. It felt empty, and exactly why it felt empty (besides the single-player campaign being cut to release the game before The Force Awakens) was revealed soon after: EA wanted to use a season pass model with multiple expansion packs planned over the next year. A season pass that would cost another $50, which meant if you wanted the full Battlefront experience, you had to pay $110.

The bad Battlefront II

And Battlefront II was even worse. It had a story campaign and loads of content, but actually getting to the content required either grinding for extremely long times or spending more money. Battlefront II was laden with microtransactions, constantly nagging you to buy loot boxes in the hopes that you’d get the resources you need to unlock the characters you want to play as. It was so bad that multiple governments held up Battlefront II as an example of loot boxes constituting literal gambling that targeted kids. EA would remove the microtransactions half a year later, but the damage was already done.

Meanwhile, while Fallen Order was really good, Star Wars: Squadrons turned out to be a visually appealing but mechanically tepid and also microtransaction-filled mess that disappointed me as a TIE Fighter fan.

The Force Sleeps

I’ve heard that Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels are both very good, but I couldn’t get into them. And while I enjoyed The Mandalorian well enough, I found it too slow to really rekindle my interest in Star Wars, and The Book of Boba Fett gave me a resounding sense of “eh.”

There are a lot of Star Wars shows coming down the pipe, and maybe they’ll turn out to be good. Obi-Wan could tell an interesting story and get some of the taste of the prequels out of my mouth. The live-action Ahsoka has potential as well, and while I wasn’t a fan of The Clone Wars and Rebels, I know that Ahsoka Tano is one of the better-developed and interesting Jedi currently in the Star Wars universe. And hey, maybe Rangers of the New Republic will better flesh out just what happened with the New Republic itself before it fell apart in the sequel trilogy. I’ll keep an open mind, but I’m not excited about any of them.

Fallen Order was good; I liked Fallen Order.

As for video games, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga turned out to be very good, even if I’m even more done with Lego games than I am with Star Wars. But besides that, there isn’t much of interest on the horizon. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order II is the game I’m most looking forward to, but everything else is either not interesting or filled with studio and publisher problems that give me no confidence. Quantic Dream’s involvement in Star Wars: Eclipse is a problem even before you consider the studio’s alleged toxic work environment, as its own storytelling tends to be overly blunt but toothless at best and awful nonsense at worst.

Any new Knights of the Old Republic game, or even a KOTOR remake, aren’t very appealing since BioWare is a shell of its former self and has its own problems. Respawn making a new Star Wars FPS is exciting, but that’s a long way away, and I don’t trust EA to either flood the game with microtransactions and loot boxes, or simply screw over Respawn with horrible release timing. They’re very good at doing both.

Happy belated May the Fourth. I spent it being sadly ambivalent.

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

