Learn When ‘Slow Is Fast’ to Be More Productive

PC Magazine
Published in
6 min readJun 12, 2023
(Credt: René Ramos; Shutterstock/a katz; Adobe Stock/selim)

When I give talks to companies about how to improve their remote-work conditions, I always recommend people slow down in their written communications.

By Jill Duffy

Navy SEALs say it. Dog trainers say it. Long-distance runners sometimes say it. “Slow is fast.”

If you’ve never heard this phrase before, a longer version unpacks the meaning a bit more: “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” To master certain kinds of activities, it’s sometimes to your advantage to learn how to do them slowly, with intention, and correctly first before you try to do it with speed. Think about playing the piano or swinging a golf club. In sports and music, it matters that you master the mechanics first and create some muscle memory of them before you introduce speed. What also comes to mind for me is the opening credit sequence of A Few Good Men or any Marine Corps Silent Drill Platoon, which is mesmerizing for its speed and accuracy. No one gets fast at synchronized dancing with rifles until they can do it perfectly slowly.

When dog trainers say “slow is fast,” they mean that training a dog will be faster overall if you go slowly and with great intention rather than rushing through it. Every interaction between you and your dog matters, and the more you get those interactions exactly right by going slowly, the faster you will see results. If you cram in too much training all at once, most dogs stop learning. They have a threshold for how long they can focus; if you exceed it, additional training is a waste of time.

And when runners say they need to run slowly to get faster, they’re talking about forcing themselves to slow their pace for specified training runs—much slower than you might assume—to build endurance.

So in a few different contexts, people already embrace the concept of “slow is fast.”

Assuring workers that no one expects them to do the job both correctly and quickly on the first try sets them up for success.

Slow Can Be Fast at Work

I would love to see more people embrace “slow is fast” at work. When jobs are demanding and stress is high, the default is to move quickly. We need this now! Just get it done!

Rushing doesn’t always help, but in the heat of the moment, as deadlines loom or the boss gets impatient, it’s easy to confuse urgency and importance. Not everything urgent is important. And not everything important is urgent. Slowing down might improve your chances of getting a task done right the first time so there’s nothing to clean up or chase down later.

Another time “slow is fast” applies in the workplace is when someone accepts a new position. No sweeter words fall on the ears of a newly hired person than “We expect you to take three to six months to get fully up to speed.” We should extend some of that grace to people who aren’t necessarily new hires but have taken on new responsibilities, too. Assuring workers that no one expects them to do the job both correctly and quickly on the first try sets them up for success. When people are given permission to move slowly so that they can figure out the best way to get a job done, their overall competence at the job may very well come faster.

Is ‘Slow Is Fast’ the Same as Deliberate Practice?

Is the advice that “slow is fast” the same as the idea of deliberate practice? Deliberate practice is a term Anders Ericsson uses in his work. Ericsson is a well-respected researcher and author, though he’s perhaps best known as the person whose work was misinterpreted by Malcolm Gladwell and incorrectly summarized as the 10,000 hours rule. In any event, Ericsson has studied how people develop mastery and expertise, and he argues that the training and practice people put in must be the right kind of productive practice. It’s not just about putting in the hours; it’s what you do during those hours. You have to have the right balance of challenging yourself in the right way and focusing on the right things for your progress to be efficient and productive.

In my mind, “slow is fast” is different because it has a more narrow definition, like how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Maybe “slow is fast” is one type of deliberate practice. For example, I don’t believe it applies to learning a language. Maybe slow is fast when learning pronunciation, but to learn a language quickly, you have to put yourself in the position of failing a lot. Essentially, you have to constantly operate at a level that’s just beyond your current skills. If you’ve ever taken adult group language classes or tutoring, you might have recognized that you learn so much more when you feel like you’re barely keeping up. If you always get everything right, you aren’t learning or stretching your abilities.

So if you’re going to start saying “slow is fast,” make sure it fits the situation.

Measure Twice, Cut Once

Recently I’ve been learning to use a sewing machine, and slow is fast. The interpretation here is closer to the advice “measure twice, cut once.”

My current project is altering a jumpsuit by shortening the sleeves. I worked slowly and carefully to make sure the length was exactly where I wanted it. In hemming, however, I didn’t go slowly enough with the machine and my hemline veered out in one place, so it’s not even and professional-looking. Now I have to redo the hem to make it look right. I won’t make the same mistake with the second sleeve. Come to think of it, I’m not crazy about the thread I used either. There’s no deadline for this project, so I should probably slow down and think through what I want before I do any more work.

You have to have the right balance of challenging yourself in the right way and focusing on the right things for your progress to be efficient and productive.

Slowing Down Can Be Productive, But It Has to Be Supported

I can think of so many tech-related examples where slowing down is more productive, and therefore ultimately “fast.”

Early in my career, I did a lot of page layout work for magazines while also learning to write and edit. To be fast at using a page designing program, like Adobe InDesign, you have to learn these uncomfortable keyboard shortcuts, like, “hold down these three keys while clicking and dragging with your other hand.” I was excruciatingly slow for weeks. I lined my computer monitor and the wall next to it with sticky notes reminding me of the shortcuts I needed. But once I memorized those keyboard shortcuts, my speed improved dramatically.

As an expert in remote work, I sometimes give talks to companies about how to improve their remote-work conditions, and one area where I always recommend people slow down is in their written communications. Some of the norms that develop around tech-enabled communication tools—notably Slack, Microsoft Teams, and email—leave people feeling rushed to respond. They press Send before they’ve reread or edited their message. The result is they have to write a second message, and sometimes a third or fourth to clarify what they meant or make sure their tone wasn’t misinterpreted. It’s hard to break the habit of responding quickly, especially when the organizational culture is for everything to feel urgent. To slow down, people need to believe they will be rewarded and not punished for doing so.

Slow isn’t always fast. It’s not the right advice for every situation. But we should acknowledge when it is and support people who need to slow down when it makes sense.

Originally published at https://www.pcmag.com.

